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  1. chicken mother

    Chickens dying of old age or illness?

    My family member bought like 10 chickens from some guy online. They were delivered to us and they were all low energy, pale a droopy combs. There are four left and this is the condition they’re in right now. The rest of them died. Is this an illness I can treat or did we get old dying hens? The...
  2. chicken mother

    Can I incorporate Geese into my small duck flock?

    I have 5 ducks. 4 welsh harlequins (one is male) and 1 silver appleyard. They’re 2 years old. I want to get two female goslings and introduce them to the ducks once they’re big enough but not too big. I also have a polish chicken who stays with the ducks, which might also be a problem. I keep my...
  3. chicken mother

    Moving 6 ducks from Texas to Nevada?

    Oh goodness, I didn’t think of this. Sorry to inconvenience you further on this, but do you know how I might go about looking this up? What wording I should use, or where to get this information?
  4. chicken mother

    Moving 6 ducks from Texas to Nevada?

    dont know why i didnt think of puppy pee pads, thank you for that! and yes will definitely cover the tops of the crates
  5. chicken mother

    Moving 6 ducks from Texas to Nevada?

    I’m driving from Texas to Nevada and want to bring my 6 ducks and I need advice on the best way to do it. It seems like my best bet is to just have them in the back of my car in some sort of dog cage or something, but are there any “hacks” or tips on the cleanest, and least smelly way to do it...
  6. chicken mother

    What chicken breed is this?

    Its supposed to be ornamental according to mcmurray hatchery.
  7. chicken mother

    Duck injured? What should i do?

    thanks, i thought so. they were not pecking at her. not sure why she’s like that. but i left her.
  8. chicken mother

    Duck injured? What should i do?

    One of my girls has one eye closed and she wont get out of the duck house. When I fed them this afternoon she didnt run to the food with all the other ducks. All ducks were apparently fine this morning (i wasnt the one who fed them this morning) so something must’ve happened to her during the...
  9. chicken mother

    leghorn hen or roo?

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is the one with bigger comb and wattles a rooster? They’re both 18 week old leghorns
  10. chicken mother

    What chick breed?

    yes the colombian patterned ones have clean legs, and the other ones have feathered legs. thank you for the reply! :)
  11. chicken mother

    What chick breed?

    Please see the attached pictures! I want to know what breeds the black and white chicks are. They all looked the same when I first got them (dark body with white wings) but I guess they’re different, because some turned out to be spotted i guess? They’re two and a half weeks old in the picture
  12. chicken mother

    Does it matter what kind of drake I add to my flock?

    ohh thats cool! i think i’ll wait til i find a khaki campbell, then. thank you! and you’ve got some pretty ducks :)
  13. chicken mother

    Does it matter what kind of drake I add to my flock?

    yes, thats what i was thinking, thanks!
  14. chicken mother

    Does it matter what kind of drake I add to my flock?

    I have 4 welsh harlequin hens and 2 silver appleyard hens. I want a drake for the purpose of fertilizing eggs. I was worried about the sizing of the ducks. Is it hazardous to my ducks if I get a heavy breed? And if I get a light breed, will it be able to fertilize the silver appleyards? Would an...
  15. chicken mother

    Is this duck male or female?

    this is very helpful info, thanks!! i had no idea 😲
  16. chicken mother

    Is this duck male or female?

    thank you for the reply!! i was definitely confused by the beak :)
  17. chicken mother

    Is this duck male or female?

    ooh just saw this, thanks! i wasnt sure because the bill stayed completely yellow until just recently
  18. chicken mother

    Is this duck male or female?

    yes!! but very hard to hear over the silver appleyards practically yelling haha. does this mean she is a female?
  19. chicken mother

    Is this duck male or female?

    i have welsh harlequins and silver appleyards, all female. except for this one welsh harlequin that i’m not so sure about. i always thought it was a male but now they’re 5 months old and he still doesnt look like a drake. i was waiting for the dark feathers from the neck up but they never...
  20. chicken mother

    Smaller duck being bullied :(

    I have 7 ducks. 2 Silver Appleyard hens, 3 welsh harlequin hens, and 2 welsh harlequin drakes. One of the drakes is a lot smaller than the other ducks, and the others have started bullying him within the last few days. I’ve only seen one of the welsh harlequin hens bully him so far, so im not...
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