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  1. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I set down a pan of water and they all got in, but eventually had to walk them home.
  2. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Had to rub my eyes the other morning when the size of my flock tripled.
  3. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I'm getting pretty good at winged snake handling.
  4. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Joy. only 8 more years until Romeo mellows out 😭
  5. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Their latest cameo from today. The girl with the gray is Big Sissy's daughter (may she R.I.P.)
  6. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I've been around Canadians all my life, only once recently did I see one trying to get into a building hissing at me through the window. Every other time they're docile even when leading their goslings across the street holding up traffic. I bet those mean goose videos were taken near a nest...
  7. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Here's the pictures. He lead them across the field straight up the hill directly towards eleven Canucks. Then once they were close they single file marched along side them. I figured that was close enough and decided to intervene.
  8. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    My Gander tried to flex on some Canadians, but I put a stop to it before it could get anywhere.
  9. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    I can attest to this. The first brood were so sheltered compared to their parents I raised. My gander would swoop down like super man the instant a little one would start crying for no apparent reason and shelter it.
  10. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Goose Harmonic Orchestra.
  11. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Looking forward to the end of mating season and being able to get deliveries from Amazon again....
  12. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Wow I need to get out more!
  13. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Wouldn't cranes have longer beaks?
  14. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    They had no grey on their wings and they were big.
  15. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Stepped out onto my deck this fine Icey Christmas eve and my mom goes look! pointing up, lo and behold there's a formation of large white geese flying directly over head. Sadly neither of us could get our cameras ready quick enough and they turned south and head to my neighbors. Personally...
  16. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Mine falls back towards me when we're walking and gets down low with his head towards me, then makes his little flute sounds like that's supposed to keep me from getting to close too his ladies.
  17. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    My gander has been watchful of the pair of young eagles sailing right over the house and yard. I followed one of them that landed in the neighbors field. When it saw me coming it flew off with something dangling from it's foot which I assume was a snake.
  18. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    These sisters or cousins probably all have very long beaks. I just thought it was interesting.
  19. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    These two are the sisters (or cousins) to one of my girls.
  20. AGeese

    Gaggle of Geese Lovers

    Welp my geese took me out again... this time I was emptying their bucket and goose water splashed in my eye, not once, not twice, but three times this week... my eyes have been bloodshot and itchy off and on since. Been using drops, but maybe I need an antibiotic?
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