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  • Users: telandra2
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  1. telandra2

    Any Roman Tufted experts?

    Another Craigslist acquisition -- advertised as Embden. Can anyone tell if he is a cross or purebred Roman Tufted? What are the genetics on the tuft? He's been doing his duty but no Tufted goslings .
  2. telandra2

    Any Roman Tufted experts?

    Another Craigslist acquisition -- advertised as Embden. Can anyone tell if he is a cross or purebred Roman Tufted? What are the genetics on the tuft? He's been doing his duty but no Tufted goslings so far.
  3. telandra2

    Broody duck sitting on mixed nest

    I have a broody duck who is sitting on what began as a goose nest but had steathly ducks add eggs. What will happen when the mixed babies hatch? Best case: Everyone will think duck is mom and she'll have freakishly large 'ducklings'. Worst case: Geese steal the goslings, probably killing the...
  4. telandra2

    ISO Gander: Spokane/CDA

    Anyone have a spare gander? I've got 2 flirty girls looking for love.
  5. telandra2

    Egg storage for a fall hatch

    I will be moving across the US in August and probably shouldn't/can't bring my geese with me. I was wondering if I can bring their eggs instead and hatch them when I arrive. Does anyone have experience or tips storing eggs for a fall hatch? I've read the chicken threads but am not sure how much...
  6. telandra2

    Goose transport case

    I have an approx 3ft x2ft wire crate that is a great height for geese, but is very large. Especially if I only need it for one or two geese ... too much sliding around. I also have a smaller crate I use for ducks that would hold a goose, but it would have to stick its head through the wire top...
  7. telandra2

    Gosling fight club = ganders?

    So I've had 2 hatches. Hatch 1 was constant gosling fight club and ended up with only one goose. Hatch 2 was 0 fight club and grew up to be mostly girls. Coincidence or are the boys a lot more aggressive as babies? African and crosses.
  8. telandra2

    De-thatching by goose

    New behavior this year, the geese are digging up the meadow. Before on the right, after on the left. (Hopefully visible despite being on the tree shade line.) Anyone have experience with this? This is a stunted area, so I'm hoping it'll trigger a new variety of growth.
  9. telandra2

    Is my Ancona hatchling crested?

    Is this baby crested? Sorry if the pics are bad, not an editing expert.
  10. telandra2

    Lowest ranking goose with goslings

    My lowest ranking goose it about 2 weeks into sitting. She is a later addition who continues to be at the fringes, but yesterday when she got off the nest the alpha gander and his girls actively chased her off. I'm worried now about her future goslings. Does anyone have experience with a bottom...
  11. telandra2

    Goose toys

    What toys have you had success with for your gaggle? I'll get things started. I fill one of these balls with leafy greens -- dandelions being the #1. When placed in the coop at bedtime there are no traces of greens in the morning.
  12. telandra2

    What (Ancona) color am I?

    His voice is and the girls are flirting. I know he is a tri-color. But what genetics terminology is also involved? Buff ... splash? Or is the pattern just regular ancona -- the wings are what are making me think splash. He has the chocolate gene and is double recessive? My lovely lavender drake...
  13. telandra2

    Is this angel wing?

    Is this angel wing? Gosling will be 2 months in a week. Only 1 of 6 showing the problem. Diet is Purina duck pellets, free range, leftover egg shells, and the occasional BSF or salad treat. If so, it's going to be 100 in a few days so I'm worried about wrapping and heat. Won't the rest of the...
  14. telandra2

    Anyone have African vs Chinese pics?

    Title says it. I'm trying to determine if my 3rd hand geese are African vs Chinese. I've read the threads here and other places about the difference, but most say 'bigger Knob than Chinese' or 'Chinese have longer necks'. The 2nd owner says the 1st got them from the feed store so I'm guessing...
  15. telandra2

    Timeline from dipdown clarification wanted

    The hatching guide is a bit confusing. One egg has a dip in the aircell. Soo.... up to 24 hours for chick to change position, up to 24 to internal pip, and 24 to hatch? So 3 days max? African, possibly mix since mom has a white chest, in case it matters. Will further candling to check progress...
  16. telandra2

    Should I shoo off nest to candle?

    My Craiglist hens and gander are all supposed to be only a year old so I assume any eggs are infertile. However Ethel has not gotten off the nest long enough for me to attempt to candle to confirm viability. I can scoop poop right next to her and she'll give me the stink-eye and maybe hiss at...
  17. telandra2

    Above ground pool to in ground pond DIY

    I was going to post when I finished, but its raining again so I decided to do an in progress post. Note that I am a 53yr old single woman who has been a couch potato all winter. If I can do this so can you! Tools needed: shovel, pickaxe, scrap wood for levers and support, string, line level...
  18. telandra2

    Gosling dewlap?

    Is this White Chinese devloping a dewlap? If yes, does that mean its probably a gander?
  19. telandra2

    Proper response to trembling gander

    Another newbie goose owner question. My first spring. I am outside in the unseasonably warm weather reading a book. The gander walks a good distance to approach, calling a few times and bringing his ladies with him. His head is very high and when he gets close he does some bowing, and when he...
  20. telandra2

    White x Brown Chinese/African colors

    Searching for Brown x White I found this from 2017: Is that correct? Does color become gender linked? What about sucessive generations? If one crosses the mixes and inbreeds swan geese can you get other interesting color combos like with greylag geese? I would think the people that originally...
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