Gosling fight club = ganders?


Apr 29, 2021
Spokane, WA
So I've had 2 hatches.

Hatch 1 was constant gosling fight club and ended up with only one goose.
Hatch 2 was 0 fight club and grew up to be mostly girls.

Coincidence or are the boys a lot more aggressive as babies?
African and crosses.
So I've had 2 hatches.

Hatch 1 was constant gosling fight club and ended up with only one goose.
Hatch 2 was 0 fight club and grew up to be mostly girls.

Coincidence or are the boys a lot more aggressive as babies?
African and crosses.
Boys usually are spicier but not always.
I’ve never had goslings fight until my last set in 2020, my buff cross gosling Dandelion kept waging war with both her brothers “Helios and Roxby,” but usually with Roxby as Helios has always been more laid back and didn’t want to engage her.
I just want to say all geese breeds are not the same. Also all geese are not the same. I started with 7 production African geese from the hatchery 6 girls one boy. Bred for production of eggs and reproducing "who knew I just wanted geese". Then fell in love with the true bred Africans (not anything like the high bred production geese. I did take my time to re home all of the production geese and they all had a place in my heart. But they gave me allot everyone of them. Mama got her forever home this year. But I truly get your pain.

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