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  1. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    We're just the ones ya'll didn't burn ;)
  2. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    My baby graduated 🎓 💕
  3. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

  4. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

  5. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    Good morning lovelies
  6. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    My fiance had to dig up my catnip plant to put in our egress window and he destroyed it before I knew he had done it 😭 she was huge too
  7. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    Merry Happy whatever ya'll! I am celebrating Yuletide, and Christmas for eve everyone else in my house.
  8. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

  9. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    Well to be honest I doubt we will ever get married but that's a whole other issue.
  10. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    I despise my future mil that mooches off us and lives in our basement, she's 60 and nothing is wrong with her aside the fact she's lazy and doesn't want to be responsible for herself financially. Too passive agressive 🤣🤭
  11. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    Mari Silva has incredibly informative books on all the calendar wheel holidays for Pagens if anyone is interested in further exploration
  12. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    I think you're reading too much into the term lights, it could mean anything such as candles or fire ect it's been going on throughout ages so what once meant light years ago could have meant something very different then it means today. Yule originated with the germatic people. The festival...
  13. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

  14. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    So funny if people actually did some research hehe
  15. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

  16. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

  17. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    There is a chemistry to herbal medicine just like modern medicine. What works for some may not work for others you can't mix some herbs with some rx meds because of side effects. You should NEVER take anything without reading and researching side effects or drug interactions. That's literally...
  18. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    Alchemy of Herbs by Rosealee De Le Forest and Plant Magic By Christine Buckley are my go to books
  19. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    That's all I do lol
  20. RebelFord81

    Witchcraft thread

    Oh goddess don't get me started! I had to start hormone replacing patches this year cause of pre menopause 🤦🏼‍♀️ and after years of pcos and endometriosis I'm sooooo ready for it to all be OVER!
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