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  • Users: Amina
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  1. Amina

    Introducing new quail

    I'm trying to figure out the best way of introducing new coturnix quail, given my situation. I have an 8'x8' aviary with a partition so that I have one adult male and one adult female in a 6'x8' space, and one spare adult male by himself in the remaining 2'x8' space. I also have some 4 week old...
  2. Amina

    Scaly leg mite woes

    I am having the worst time trying to treat scaly leg mites. Last year I noticed that my rooster had some raised scales that were probably leg mites. So for several times, once a week, hubby and I dipped all the chicken legs in some old olive oil. Then we figured it was taken care of and he just...
  3. Amina

    Dealing with homicidal coturnix quail

    A little over 7 weeks ago, I hatched out some coturnix quail. They turned out to be 9 hens and 2 roos, which I kept together in a 3' x 4' cage in my sunroom. Well, about a week ago, I went to refill their food and water and saw that one of the roos had been badly scalped. I removed him from the...
  4. Amina

    Having trouble moving broody hen

    A few days ago, I had a hen go broody. This is my first time having a broody hen, and I'd like to have her hatch eggs, but not sure what to do. The nest she was in is not suitable for hatching. That nest was in the main coop and it's where all the other hens like to lay their eggs. Not only...
  5. Amina

    Problem with temperature gradient in incubator

    I recently got a used lab incubator, with a heating element on the bottom of the unit, and I've been trying to make this suitable for hatching eggs. This is what it looks like: I thought I had the temperature holding steady, so I put my eggs in. The next day, I realized that due to a...
  6. Amina

    Chick with problem with navel?

    I just hatched some chicks, and one of them has this thing dragging around from its hind end... What is this? It looks like it might be attached to the navel area. Will this chick be okay? It's very active and seems healthy otherwise. Do I need to do anything for it? Thanks!
  7. Amina

    Need bumblefoot treatment advice

    A couple weeks ago, I discovered bumblefoot on both feet of one of my chickens. I tried doing the surgery treatment, and got out a bunch of stringy pus from both feet, though I was unable to find kernels. I packed the open wounds with neosporin, put gauze on and wrapped her feet in vet wrap...
  8. Amina

    Api Viglink - Malware?

    I just had a scare and thought my computer had a virus. I was getting this notification from Tend Micro every time I would click any link on this website: OfficeScan detected a Web security policy violation and blocked the URL(s) listed below. URL: Risk...
  9. Amina

    Emaciated cockerel

    I have two 12 week old cockerels that have been in with a flock of their same-age sister, and some adults (six hens and a rooster) for a few weeks now. It seemed like the cockerels were a bit small for their age, and then yesterday I picked one of them up and noticed he was emaciated - I...
  10. Amina

    Resting period for chicken

    Hi everyone! I butchered a 17 week old cockerel on Sunday and he has been in the fridge since then. Previously I have always waited 3 days before freezing or cooking, but I'd really like to free up that fridge space today for something else. I don't want him to be tough though. Think it's ok...
  11. Amina

    Best ways to cook a home grown chicken

    How does everyone like to cook their home grown chickens? They are so flavorful that however they are cooked, the recipe should highlight the chicken flavor, IMO. So things like chicken and dumplings and chicken pot pie work really well. What other recipes really highlight the chicken flavor...
  12. Amina

    My rooster is a perv!

    Up til now, my rooster has been a pretty decent guy, and he has 4 adult hens in his little harem. He has been gentle with the hens and has done a great job warning the flock if he sees a hawk. I recently added five chicks (three pullets and two cockerels) to the flock, and the adults were...
  13. Amina

    Chick can't poop easily. Help!

    I have a two week old chick that has had problems pooping all its life. I noticed when it was a couple days old that it had poop dried to its vent, and its whole hind end was swollen up. It was acting miserable. I thought it was pasty butt, and I started washing its butt in the morning and...
  14. Amina

    Fighting at roosting time

    ...ran, he then went back over to roost with his two hens. One of the hens is also mean to them at roosting time, but at least I haven't seen her peck *that* aggressively. I'm thinking of taking the rooster and the more aggressive hen, and penning them separately from each other and from...
  15. Amina

    LED Christmas lights work!

    Two weeks ago, I got a string of battery powered Christmas lights on a timer, and put them in my coop to encourage egg laying. I was not at all sure it would work, because Christmas lights in general aren't super bright, plus I have heard people say that the spectrum from LED lights is not ideal...
  16. Amina

    Electric fence

    ...been able to get a super good look at it because it runs as soon as it sees people). It has me a little insecure about my setup... I mean, it *should* be okay... but then again, my next-door neighbor has had dogs tear through hardware cloth with no problem, and kill her rabbits. So I'm...
  17. Amina

    Reclaiming plywood with foam blocks glued to it!

    I recently got some plywood from a shipping container through my work, and would really like to turn this into a chicken coop. I am so excited about getting so much wood for free! The only problem is, the wood has a bunch of foam blocks glued to it! I've tried just ripping them off, but the foam...
  18. Amina

    Realistic expectations for roo attitude

    So unfortunately, my young rooster has threatened me a few times (turned sideways, lowered his head and one wing at me). The first time he did this, it was the morning after I had picked him up to check out a possible sore on his foot. That was the first time I'd handled him in at least a month...
  19. Amina

    Swelling on foot - feather cyst?

    I noticed that my rooster has a little red bump on the side of one foot. The bump has a feather coming out of it, so I guess the bump is likely an inflamed feather follicle. Does anyone recognize what this is? Is this a feather cyst? Bumblefoot? There's no scabbing on it, so does that mean it's...
  20. Amina

    Odd rooster behavior

    I have a splash marans rooster who is about 5 months old. He matured early - crowing by ~5 weeks, and mating the hens for maybe the past month and a half. He has never been aggressive toward me, and has been very gentle with the hens. I have never seen him chase the hens to mate. He has always...
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