Chick can't poop easily. Help!


7 Years
Jul 12, 2013
Raleigh, NC
I have a two week old chick that has had problems pooping all its life. I noticed when it was a couple days old that it had poop dried to its vent, and its whole hind end was swollen up. It was acting miserable. I thought it was pasty butt, and I started washing its butt in the morning and evening because I kept finding it with dried poop smeared all over it. Its butt just kept getting more and more swollen, so I finally squeezed its butt gently, and tons of poop came out. The swelling went down some (not all the way), and the chick became more active after that. But I kept finding it with poop smeared all over its hind end, so I kept having to wash its butt in the morning and evening.

It is two weeks old now and I am still doing this in the morning and evening, and its butt is still swollen. It seems like it's able to poop out the more liquidy parts of the poop, but any part of the poop that isn't liquid gets stuck when it's halfway out, and then it dries like that when it's not even fully pooped out. Ugh. This chick is not gaining weight like the others either. Is this chick just a lost cause?

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