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  1. R

    Pale Egg shells

    Howdy I’m wondering what could cause hen eggs to be pale in color suddenly. The past few days a few of the ladies eggs are pale. I just added some oyster shells to their diet yesterday just in case it’s a calcium deficiency but I’m just not sure, they’ve always had a really good diet. Any other...
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    Advice on broody hen and baby rooster

    Howdy! Whats your guys advice on how to introduce a baby rooster to my super broody hen. She went broody over three weeks ago she only leaves her eggs to eat or dust bath or at times I’ve had to force her out so she doesn’t starve lol. We don’t have any roosters so obviously the eggs aren't...
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    Black Vultures

    Howdy I have a dumb question but here it is! Are vultures considered predators to chickens? I’ve been seeing em fly over lately they don't attack or anything thou. A few weeks ago 3 of em were circling over my chickens and it made me a bit nervous. We usually only get red tail hawks in our area...
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    Impacted crop Duck

    Howdy so I’ve been noticing my female ducks neck doesn’t look so good. I’m thinking impacted crop? She’s laying well eats a lot probably too much, eats grass and her normal grains. What do yall think? And how do I treat it?? I can’t find much on impacted crops for ducks only chickens. From what...
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    Howdy I have some questions about integration! I have a group of 9 week old pullets and 6 week old pullets. They weren’t raised together. How can I integrate them together? Is is the same as introducing them to adults? I know when it’s an older flock it’s a slow process but with the pullets...
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    Disinfecting Chicken Run

    Howdy just seeing what others use to disinfect chicken run/coop? I bought a rooster two weeks ago and unfortunately am giving him back to the previous owner today, he has dry fowl pox. We originally thought it was fungus when we got him but now lesions are turning black, we just can’t risk...
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    How to treat Ringworm fast?

    I recently bought a rooster that needed to be rehomed. But after observing him I noticed a few white pimple like spots on his comb. So after research and posting some pictures on here it was concluded it’s Favus(ringworm). So this is the fifth day of treating it I’m using over the counter...
  8. R

    What breed is my rooster?

    I recently bought a rooster from a nice lady who needed him to be rehomed. He’s an Amerucana for sure but what kind I’m not sure. Any ideas?? He’s like a silver color with a rustic redish/orange running through his wings.
  9. R

    Ringworm treatment

    Howdy so I recently noticed some white spots on my roosters comb so I posted a picture thinking it was maybe fowl pox but a lot of the comments said it looks like ringworm. I did buy OTC ringworm fungal cream and put it on his comb. Also put some drops of Ivermectin on his neck because I read...
  10. R

    Fowl pox?

    Howdy I brought a rooster home today that needed to be rehomed due to too many roosters. I noticed on his comb he has small white bumps. I txted the owner she said she noticed it a few days ago but none of her other Chickens have it. She said if I'm uncomfortable keeping him she’ll take him back...
  11. R

    Introducing Rooster to flock

    Howdy. I bought a year old Rooster from a woman who needs him to be rehomed due to having too many roosters. He’s a gentle guy he’s an Olive Egger. I’m picking him up tomorrow! How do I integrate him into my flock. I don’t have any roosters only hens. I know with any rehomed chicken you wanna...
  12. R

    Bored chicks

    Howdy everyone so I have 4 2/12 week old chicks that are fighting with each other and pecking so I’m guessing they’re bored. I read you can get a little bit of grass with dirt throw it in there so it helps keep them from pecking each other but my question is is it safe? I know when they’re...
  13. R

    Olive Egger?

    Howdy everyone I recently bought 3 Olive Egger chicks. One of em I noticed has feathered feet and the other two don’t even thou they all look identical. What kind of olive egger is this? Picture attached below. Is it a different kind from that other two perhaps? I’m newer to the olive egger...
  14. R

    Female Duck not laying

    Howdy everyone just seeing in anyone has any experience with female ducks. I have a 8 month old female duck she’s absolutely a joy to have but she hasn’t laid eggs yet just wondering if ducks take longer to lay than chickens? She’s perfectly healthy and happy. Shes been sleeping in the hens...
  15. R

    Green Egg layers?

    Howday Everyone Question! What Chicken breeds lay Dark green eggs or is that even a thing? I’m torn between getting an olive egger and a starlight green egger. But I’m after the darker green. My Ameraucana lays olive green eggs so I’d like chicken that could possibly lay a darker green but not...
  16. R

    Buying Chicks (Minimum requirements)

    This is a silly question but does anyone know how to get around these number of minimum requirements for buying baby chicks. What I mean is when you got to buy chicks online or at a store they have a minimum requirement where you have to buy 5 or more. Is there anyway to get around this? I...
  17. R

    Chicks behind pulsating

    Howdy just seeing if anyone has seen this and possibly knows what’s going on My brother recently got 9 chicks from a hatchery well all of them seem to be growing and doing fine except one. She’s a lot smaller than the others so possibly a different breed but her butt/back area is pulsating...
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    Killing our Duck today 💔

    Howdy everyone, So I’m struggling with this but we’ve decided to kill our Mallard Duck. Lately he’s getting super aggressive with one of our Chicken hens. He won’t let her near their water to drink he’ll chase her around if she gets near it. Not sure if he’s trying to mate with her or just...
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    Messy feeder

    Howdy everyone Just seeing if anyone has any recommendations on chicken feeders they’ve bought or made from home. My Chickens make an absolute mess it’s driving me crazy cause it’s wasting so much food. Picture attached below Does anyone else’s chickens do the same as far as making a mess of...
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    Rooster breed recommendations

    Howdy everyone I will be adding a couple of baby chicks to my flock next month. Does anyone have any rooster breeds they prefer and have had great experiences with? I would love a rooster that is protective of the hens (we have alot of red tails in our area) but not a jerk to humans if that...
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