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  1. BrukeyBrooke

    My duck’s feet are disappearing! Help!

    Long story short, this year old ducky girl had a limp a while back, noticed what looked like an old injury where part of her foot was torn. Not bleeding, just a hole and healing. I cleaned it up and bandaged it, kept her penned with my other gimp girly to heal. Now, a month or so later (she’s...
  2. BrukeyBrooke

    Nutritional Deficiency Healing - what now?

    My almost 1.5 yo American Buff girl (Jessie) started laying again roughly a month ago, about every other day. Egg Saturday afternoon. Then Sunday morning, after she rushed outside, she was essentially lame. No one else in the flock has any concerning symptoms. I isolated her and started giving...
  3. BrukeyBrooke

    The case of the missing eggs?

    My momma goose is setting a second time on a small clutch of eggs, including one duck egg she claimed. I also gave her one of the ones I ordered from eBay to ensure she had enough to set. When I candled her eggs yesterday, the eBay egg was mysteriously gone without a trace. I marked it with...
  4. BrukeyBrooke

    Broody-ish Goose - set twice?

    I have an almost one year old goose and gander pair. I have never seen them mate but believe they have because several of her first eggs appeared to be fertile (small white spot on the yolk) when I cooked them up. Toward what I assumed was the end of her egg-laying season, I let her keep several...
  5. BrukeyBrooke

    Cross post - injured duck?

    Posting this in the duck forum since the injury forum doesn’t seem to be popular today. My sweet Elsa was limping and didn’t come out for yard time the other day. I checked for bumblefoot and have started treating for the same. But what I see on her foot doesn’t quite look like bumblefoot...
  6. BrukeyBrooke

    Sprain or other injury? Duck won’t move leg.

    I need some help BYC! My sweet Elsa was limping and didn’t come out for yard time the other day. I checked for bumblefoot and have started treating for the same. But what I see on her foot doesn’t quite look like bumblefoot (ironically, I’m treating another duck for this now and am generally...
  7. BrukeyBrooke

    Injured gosling wing

    My sweet boy is about 6.5 weeks old, integrating well with the other birds, but I keep the babies penned separately at night so they have 24-hour food and water. Anyhow, when penning them tonight, Woody got his left wing briefly caught in the wire cage and got it right back out with some...
  8. BrukeyBrooke

    Weird Gosling Toe?

    I tired searching this online and got some unhelpful results, think Ryan Gosling’s feet. 😂 Anyhow, I was holding my little guy, Woody, and noticed this unusual looking toe. It does not look like an injury, doesn’t appear to be infected, nor does it seem to bother him or inhibit his walking at...
  9. BrukeyBrooke

    Waiting….. for goslings to ship….

    My buff goslings are supposed to hatch this week, and it is Tuesday afternoon with no updates. I’m at the edge of my seat waiting for the shipping email. Last year, my order got postponed and then canceled because they didn’t hatch enough. This year, I waited late into winter before ordering...
  10. BrukeyBrooke

    Need advice on tick situation

    Here’s the scoop: we just moved cross country and successfully brought our small duck flock with us. They are now being cooped (next to our outdoor dog) in a small outbuilding that was formerly storage. Long story short, both of my dogs have had ticks since we got here (a total of 4 in 3 weeks)...
  11. BrukeyBrooke

    Treat head injury from mating?

    I have a five to one ration of hens to drake. It seems he has a favorite though. I noticed one girl seems to have an injury the back of her head from where he grabs her to mate. There is a spot about the size of a quarter where all the feathers have been pulled out, and it looks red and...
  12. BrukeyBrooke

    Wet goose?

    Just adopted a second goose, really a first goose for my gander since he thinks he’s a duck… anyhow, isolation was brutal and introductions are going swimmingly 😂 I’ll ask later about encouraging them to bond, but for now, my biggest question is about her feathers. When my gander swims, his...
  13. BrukeyBrooke

    Struggling after dehydration and loss of duck

    We were away for three nights and had a pet sitter check on the ducks and goose daily to lock them up and fill their water, etc. Something happened (yet to be fully determined), and all of the birds were without water for an extended period of time (causing one to perish). The remaining ducks...
  14. BrukeyBrooke

    Duck molting question

    Hi y’all! I have had ducks for a about a year and haven’t seen (been aware of) a formal molt yet. My youngest crew is about 8 months old and a few of them have been losing feathers on their chest. I have read all sorts of posts about feather replacement in other areas, but I haven’t found...
  15. BrukeyBrooke

    How do you handle/store your duck eggs?

    I started raising ducks this year, for eggs and entertainment. I read somewhere (though now I don’t recall where) that chicken eggs stay the freshest when not washed but refrigerated. I’m in AZ, so counter top storage isn’t a great idea here much of the year. Most of the eggs I collect are...
  16. BrukeyBrooke

    Laying Hen on Antibiotics

    So, my duck is on antibiotics for bumblefoot, and she’s healing well. She took a break from laying, presumably from the stress of the bumblefoot but started laying again. We started eating the eggs and didn’t even think about it until a week later. Oops! Called the vet and my doc, big no no. We...
  17. BrukeyBrooke

    Two Ganders, what now?

    We have ducks and added two geese awhile back, rescued from someone desperate to rehome them. They were young, and their sex was unknow. Prayed for one of each... we had them DNA sexed, and we just found out they are both male. What now? More geese is not an option. Thoughts? They have shown...
  18. BrukeyBrooke

    Help - what is wrong with my duck?

    Hi there! I have noticed one of my girls has been a little crabby lately. I thought she was upset about the addition of the ducklings. However, today she didn’t come right out for free range time, and then I noticed she’s walking slowly. I picked her up (easier to catch than usual), and noticed...
  19. BrukeyBrooke

    Sick with worry...

    I have an order of four ducklings coming from Metzer Farms. They shipped out Tuesday and arrived at my local USPS distribution center last night shortly after 10pm. I foolishly assumed my local office would call this morning. Not so. And they don’t answer the phone. I drove down there and talked...
  20. BrukeyBrooke

    Hens for sale!!

    Hi y’all, I’m looking to rehome my chickens in Phoenix, AZ. I have six hens, approximately 5 months old, three of which are laying eggs almost daily. There is one each of: New Hampshire Red, Barred Rock, Leghorn, Red Malay, Black Aseel, and Tan Bantam Silkie. They are quite calm and good with...
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