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  1. B

    Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

    I give mine to the local fire department as well as people at work (hospital). I also raffle them at my professional association meetings. Occasionally I give them to delivery people or workers at the house.
  2. B

    How do you store your feed/scratch?

    I keep my scratch and crumble in the metal trash cans to keep the mice out. It’s kept right outside the coop so I have easy access.
  3. B

    What's your flock's favorite treat?

    Grapes, lettuce. I hang cabbage for the girls. Fridays is “clean out the frig” and they get any leftovers (mostly meat). I’ll also bring home “chicken” bags when we eat out. :)
  4. B

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    Happy New Year! I'm not out on this site very often and just found your group - I was looking for advice on frostbit combs - and got lost in all the recipes. I haven't baked in a while but used to do a lot of breads using sourdough starter. How do I become a member of your group?
  5. B

    Tomorrow's the day!!

    My girls get straw bales several times a year to combat the mud they’ve made.
  6. B

    Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

    I take extras to work, to the fire dept., the police dept., my hairdresser. As long as I don’t have to pay for cartons, I’ll share.
  7. B

    Official BYC Poll: Excess eggs, what do you do with them?

    I actually give them away to the fire dept down the street, the police dept, and I take them to work (a hospital). I will also give them to family and friends and our pastor at church. I have 19 girls in full production mode right now so everyone is very happy!
  8. B

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Chickens Happy?

    If it wasn’t good, I wouldn’t have mentioned it. I usually buy 2 bags every couple of months for my girls. And they recognize the bag and come running when I head out to the coop. Lol.
  9. B

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Keep Your Chickens Happy?

    Amazon is cheaper than tractor supply - I was talking to my TSC guy when pricing on amazon and he was impressed with the pricing. :)
  10. B

    Help! My wife is mad at me for feeding the chickens pizza!

    My girls are like teenagers - they’ll eat whatever they see. They get pizza once in a blue moon. More apt to get fajitas or such instead tho. :)
  11. B

    Red Foxes! How do I get rid of them?

    My mom used bobcat urine to keep critters away. In her case they were destroying her crawl space, but I would think they’d be a predator to the fox and it could scare them away. She got it from the feed store.
  12. B

    How many chickens.............

    We have 24 - 6 are babies and 3 are not quite ready to lay. Half the others are molting. I’m getting about 6-10 eggs a day. I give them to the local police Dept and the fire Dept. Since the pandemic, I also take some to work. And we still have enough for the 7 of us.
  13. B

    Buy? Or Build? Heeeeellllllppppp!!

    We have 2 prefab combined so it’s supposed to be good for 6-10 birds. It’s our “baby” coop and I have 6 in there that aren’t quite big enough to move to the big coop - and it’s too small for the babies. I’m hoping to move them out in the next couple of weeks - then the “baby” coop reverts to the...
  14. B

    My hens won't eat anything other than regular feed

    I feed mine mealworms, pears, apples, tomatoes, grapes, dog food (special treat), leftovers, watermelon - took 2 tries before they liked it, avocado. My girls will eat almost anything. I just make sure it’s in moderation. :)
  15. B

    Comment by 'bmurphy349' in article 'Top 10 Chicken Predators'

    But my neighbor’s 2 dogs attacked my girls, killing one. Some dogs can be a problem. :) our 3 are not.
  16. B

    How Many PET Chickens Are In Your Flock?

    Leg charms ???
  17. B

    How Many PET Chickens Are In Your Flock?

    My daughter started us with 8. And then she ate some. 😧 So I got more. My goal is to have 20 but when I get close, I lose one or two. Currently we have 18 that includes 3 babies that just went into the big coop. Most of them are named. :)
  18. B

    Heart breaking day on the farm...

    When my neighbors dogs came and killed one of mine, I told them if the dogs ever come back, I’ll shoot them. Protecting my property... dogs have been contained since then.
  19. B

    Official BYC Poll: Excess eggs, what do you do with them?

    I give them to the fire station and police Dept near the house. With the pandemic, I’ve been taking them to work too. Just ask for cartons in return. :)
  20. B

    Oh crap, what have I done ...

    We’ve had our birds for almost 2 years. Started with about 16 chickens and 4 Cornish game hens. The Cornish game hens are gone - lost 2 to the Ga heat and my daughters family ate 2. They ate a couple of hens. 😳. We’ve lost one hen to the neighbors dog. Took the 3 grand babies shopping for one...
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