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  • Users: MoChkRch
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  1. M

    Will a egg that gets wet....still hatch?

    Quick question....just found my white peahen sitting on a single egg under a tree in my backyard...problem is the sprinkler has come on and the egg has a small puddle of water around wet eggs hatch?...she's still sitting on it ? Thanks for any reply
  2. M

    Missing Guinea

    Missing Guinea? Noticed yesterday, that I'm missing one of my Guineas.I've walked around my fence...and nothing? No feathers/body ? Nothing? Tried calling and nothing? I had 5...They're around four months old, and are pretty good size. Could a stray cat have got it?...I'm puzzled because of it...
  3. M

    Can I move the eggs?

    Can I move the eggs ....from a peahen that has already been sitting? Where she decided to make a nest....there are black ants all over. When I check on her every morning ,she has black ants crawling on her. Can I move them, and will she still sit on them if I do ?
  4. M

    Re shuffle housing for Peacocks

    Re-shuffle housing for Peacocks question? I have a Male Pied 2-3yrs old alone in a large enclosure. Kept him in there for breeding but he's been losing his tail feathers... One Peahen with 2 Peachicks 2-3 months old in a small enclosure... Can I house them together? Will the Male hurt and...
  5. M

    Help! Peahen unable to stand

    Peahen unable to stand...She was fine this morning, eating and visting on the back porch. My husband went out 4 or 5 hrs later and found her laying down on her side unable to stand. We checked to see if she is egg bound, and couldn't feel anything. She layed an egg yesterday, and seemed fine...
  6. M

    Male being very aggressive towards hen...what to do?

    Any help would be appreciated and thank you in advance...I have 2 questions... 1st question is how many times does a Male have to mate with the Hen for the eggs to be fertile? One of my hens has started laying (2 eggs so far) is that enough or does she need to be mated more than once? 2nd...
  7. M

    Peahen still sitting?

    Peahen still sitting... I have a White Peahen sitting on 2 eggs. Question is...Due date has just come and gone..I've picked them up, and they seem heavy .How long will she sit on the eggs before giving up? It was kind of 50/50 that they were fertile. So will she give up on them hatching, or keep...
  8. M

    How should I integrate 3 month old peachicks into the general population

    How should I integrate 3 month old peachicks into the general population? I have 3 month old peachicks that have been with Mom in an enclosure...but now I need the enclosure for another batch of peachicks. How do I safely integrate them into the general population. I tried this morning, but as...
  9. M

    Raisings 2 sets of peachicks together with peahens

    Raisings 2 sets of peachicks together with Moms/peahens...I have two sets of peachicks. One set of (3) are a month old with Mom and are out growing their enclosure) ...Second set of (2) are a week old with Mom (and are already in a larger enclosure 14'W x 24'L . Question I have is ...Can I house...
  10. M

    New Peachicks...Help would be so appreciated !

    Just notice 2 peachicks hatched out yesterday...Mom had a nest out back hidden in a bamboo section in my yard. They're both doing good...Now what do I do?...I know Mom will take care of them, but I'm worried about them being vulnerable to other chickens /predators? Should I try to catch...
  11. M

    Peacock injured foot ?

    Hi...Need to ask for help. Just checked my male Peacock limping, and his left foot is curled under. Looks like there is a sore knuckle on the middle toe. He isn't putting any weight on it. Any help would be appreciated, I'm not sure how it happened or what to do. Thank you
  12. M

    Peahen attacked neighbor...Is that Normal ? and Is it a problem?

    Hi...My husband and I were out of town for 4 days....and our neighbor "Rick" is nice enough to come over and collect the eggs from my chickens. Basically check on my chickens and peacocks...I have one young White Peahen (6-8 months old), that is usually very tame. She will even come up and eat...
  13. M

    Bald spot on neck ? Should I be worried ?

    Hello.....Long story short I was given "Ed" a few months ago, and lately I've noticed a bald spot on his neck ? Is it something I should be worried about ? I've always had chickens, and years ago I had a peacock but that's been awhile I'm just now starting over with peacocks. Besides "Ed"...
  14. M

    Getting Rid Of Black Ants

    Hi....Quick question...How do you get rid of black ants in the chicken yard/run? I've tried cinnamon, and it helps but.....I still have ants :( Any suggestions/help? Thanks in advance...btw I'm in California(really HOT) and the ants are everywhere.
  15. M

    Buying Straight Run......Odds of Roosters?

    Back raising chickens quick question. In May I ordered from a hatchery, part of the order were Lavender Ameraucanas chicks (straight run) They weren't cheap $14 each. I ordered 6 and the hatchery sent 7 (extra one just in case during shipping) Ok long story short, out of the 7 chicks...
  16. M

    Young Hen...beak bent ?

    I noticed yesterday that one of my young hens (3 months old) has a slight bent to her beak. The bottom beak is not aligned with her top beak. She seems to be eating good and drinking. Should I be concerned? Is there anything I can or should do? Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in...
  17. M

    rear end pasting

    Just received 6 black about a week old...they are very small (miniature )and the problem with at least two of them....rear end pasting up. I've been cleaning them daily. Should this have cleared up by there anything wrong with them.....and yes.. they were shipped from a...
  18. M

    Mo's Chicken Ranch

    Hi...My name is Mo. I've raised chickens before but then I had to quit a few years back (you know how life happens),but now I ready to get back into enjoying my ranch, or as I call it Mo's Chicken Ranch ! I'll make this short for now.Hope to talk to many of you I said it's been years...
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