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  1. Bocktobery 10

    Oxytetracycline banned from sales in my state..need alternative suggestions

    Hi! It’s been some time since my state decided to ban off-the-counter sales of oxytetracycline. Since then, which was a few years ago, I had one more bag of the powdered stuff which is mostly used up now. There’s not enough left for full time of dosage. So I noticed today, I have something...
  2. Bocktobery 10

    Brackish comb, fearful Serama rooster

    So, most of this whole year I had some issues with a 3 year old serama rooster. I first noticed a problem earlier this spring when he got beaten up by two of his flock mates -roosters which he had been living with fine for a little more than a year. Luckily I happened to see the fight and...
  3. Bocktobery 10

    Visitors have Mareks in their flock...will my flock be protected? Bio security.

    We had some surprise visitors today. I learned while they were here that they have Mareks disease in their flock. I’m wondering if I have to be concerned about transmission to my flock through their shoes. I free-range my flock and our visitors have walked in the areas where my chickens will...
  4. Bocktobery 10

    Feeding mushroom powder to your flock....

    Does anyone know much about feeding mushroom powders to chickens? I was able to find one study on it. Basically said that there were some noticeable benefits. But I’d like to know how much to put in feed and if there are some mushrooms (edible to humans) that chickens shouldn’t have? Also...
  5. Bocktobery 10

    What do I do? Eye injury, *warning- graphic pictures*

    Hi, please help...not sure what happened or how she acquired this injury. I’m assuming another chicken attacked her in the coop. I noticed her injured soon after letting the birds out this morning. She’s a 5 or 6 year old Creme Legbar hen. Has been healthy as far as I could tell up until...
  6. Bocktobery 10

    Have you ever seen this behavior before? Should I be concerned? Seramas in the nest bix...

    This evening, when “tucking my chickens into bed“ as my family jokingly says, I noticed less Seramas in the serama coop. It didn’t take long to find 9 serama hens all inside one nesting box, piled , woven, and squished on top of one another. Since it’s been rather springtime-like weather...
  7. Bocktobery 10

    Egg bound tiny serama hen

    I have a three year old serama hen who seems to be egg bound but I’m not sure. She’s tiny for a serama, not micro but definitely not a larger sized serama. She’s been looking poorly for a while now. About a month ago I noticed she had runny green poo with mucus, looked lethargic (tail down...
  8. Bocktobery 10

    Gurgling, coughing, crop full of fluid, not pooping, tail awry.

    I’m wondering if anyone can assist me in figuring this illness out. First I think I should bring up the unusual signs, which are that when I palpitate (feel around for lumps) my hen’s abdomen, if I get to a certain point she bears down suddenly as if laying an egg and strains as if pushing. I...
  9. Bocktobery 10

    How do you major breeders do it? Keeping flocks safe from outbreaks

    ...these fast spreading diseases are why most people don’t put in the extra money into it, but how do good breeders do this without going, well... *postal* :barnie:he:hit:fl:idunno:hmm Also, with diseases being so hap-hazard, how does any breeder keep a clean flock disease free forever? It...
  10. Bocktobery 10

    Very stinky (normal) poop in (seemingly) healthy hen

    Yeah. Like really stanky stuff. Everything else seems and looks just fine. Hen seems healthy but her poop- evey single dropping- not just the cecal poo, smells awful. Yes, poop always smells awful, but I’ve been around enough chicken sheet to know somethings awry. This is a really tart...
  11. Bocktobery 10

    Freezing temps, heat mats, extension cords, and..Er, rats. :-(.

    So I’ve had a couple flocks of seramas for 3 years now. Because I had one perish overnight when the temperature dipped just under 40 degrees F suddenly one night, after much deliberation I decided to put in their coop supplemental heating via heat mats. These are the kind used for dogs and...
  12. Bocktobery 10

    What breed is this?

    Hi! A week ago, a friend of mine surprised and gifted me with this beautiful little hen. She herself did not have much background information on her but she told me she hatched sometime this summer. She got her in a group of production chickens from someone else a few weeks ago but she...
  13. Bocktobery 10

    Hen Gurgling... need help planning a treatment...precautions

    I was pleasantly surprised with a gifted hen on Sunday by a friend. My friend didn’t know I had just lost a 5 year old hen that very morning to something- most likely respiratory. By the time the gifted hen arrived I had already moved the deceased hen outside for burial. So with any new...
  14. Bocktobery 10

    Feeding fresh walnuts, ...and the maggots inside the hulls...

    We’re fortunate (or unfortunate) to have row after row of black walnut trees. This time of year there’s a danger to my freeranging flock- of both getting hit on the head by falling walnuts and mostly of getting hit by a car because the nuts fell on the road and the passing cars cracked them...
  15. Bocktobery 10

    Soaking wet chickens in the rain/hypothermia threat?

    I’d like to see fellow chicken people’s thoughts on this... I just found my roo babies (they aren’t chicks but 2 year old Seramas) got drenched in an all day downpour. They were trapped in the run where there was not a whole lot of cover except some tall weeds. It’s hard to explain but to...
  16. Bocktobery 10

    Is this true?....

    I was looking online for ways to sex baby chicks and found this chart someone drew: see attached file I wish I could give proper credit to the person or persons who drew it, but have not found any names. But I’m posting it here to ask all of you, is this basically true? Or is it only true...
  17. Bocktobery 10

    Momma hen ripped off skin off chick’s head. ;-(.

    I had two broody hens on a clutch of eggs. 8 hatched and were a few days old when they abandoned the remaining eggs. Thankfully, finding another broody serama momma this time of year was not difficult, so I put the remaining eggs under them instead. Two more hatched. I decided to put the two...
  18. Bocktobery 10

    What can I feed him?

    So, here’s the story... had a hen sitting on a clutch of eggs. Only one hatched. This was 4 to 5 weeks ago. I moved the hen and the single chick to a separate sizable brooder indoors where it was quiet and no risk of death or injury towards the chick from the flock. ( the chick had a peck...
  19. Bocktobery 10

    2 Serama roosters in south central PA in need of a home.

    I have two serama roosters who are in need a new home. I am in south central PA. They are both less than a year old, approx. 6 months. One is entirely all white and the other is a ‘pumpkin latte’ orange color. Both are healthy but are not integrating well with my flock, which is why I’m...
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