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  1. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I lost a bird yesterday to a fox (not the first but the first in a few years). My muscovy hens like to hang out in the sheep pasture at dusk, well after all the chickens go to bed, and the fox got in and nabbed one. It couldn't get her out though, so the fox ate it right there at the fence :(...
  2. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Does anybody in West Michigan breed muscovy ducks? Please let me know. Looking for hatching eggs or chicks when available.
  3. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hope everyone is doing well since I popped in about 150 posts ago. Loved the story, Raz, about the cell phone. Cool to hear that the cremani's are making their way into MI. When I started out in chickens they were pretty much just a myth, complete with misinformation. I don't know that I...
  4. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Hey all. Been a while. We've been enjoying the fall. My husband and I drove around the entire U.P. last weekend and had a blast. I found a house I wanted to buy on Stonington Peninsula. Old, run down place with a barn, abandoned but for sale. I can dream, right? Anyway, he got the car...
  5. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Does anyone buy this brand of chicken feed? I think it's from Walmart. I don't shop there and have never heard of it but I have a customer that would love a tote made from one. If you happen to buy this brand and could save a few bags, let me know. PM is fine.
  6. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I'm looking for empty feed sacks again, woven plastic feed sacks. I turn them into totes and sell them on Etsy You can see them here: It's not the most profitable venture for the work involved but I do enjoy doing it over the long winter so I'm...
  7. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    ...sweets. As much as possible. I can't imagine not being able to garden and raise my own food and am disappointed to see that certain Michigan towns are still being d***s about it. Very disappointing. Enjoy the great late summer weather. I have some feed sacks to wash and sew. Good day...
  8. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Sorry about your loss uchytil. We lost our 19 1/2 yr old cat last summer to cancer. We'd raised him from birth as an orphan. It was hard putting him down. Then this spring we had a barn cat explosion and socialized 9 kittens for adoption, kept one. All over again. I ended up selling a...
  9. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Haven't been around in... oh... about 150 pages. Hope everyone is well. I was wondering how much people in MI sell duck eggs for? I sell my chicken eggs for $3.00/doz for comparison. My khaki campbell ducks are just starting to lay so it will be a while before I get enough to sell but I get...
  10. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    He's only got bantam wheatens last I checked. I can't have any more bantams. Tried that. Barn cats like them. :/ Thanks :)
  11. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Popping in to ask, does anyone here breed blue wheaten or wheaten ameraucanas or know someone that does? I'm in the unfortunate position of having a beautiful wheaten rooster and no hens. I'm looking for pullets at POL or vaccinated chicks. I know that's specific but I like this rooster and...
  12. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Well I'm not an old peep and certainly not one of "your" old peeps but I did pop in around page 2877 with what's been going on and no one seemed to notice. It's not for lack of trying. So I just don't bother logging in anymore (except I just did), come in and see what everyone is up to and...
  13. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Gee, only 585 posts since I last logged in. No way do I have time to read them all or even skim. We are headed to our robotics competition tomorrow. It will be a crazy day. Remember that scene in "Parenthood" where they're at the play, at the end, on the "roller coaster" and laughing...
  14. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I know my opinion will be the unpopular one but quotes like this from that article rub me the wrong way, "It was an unspoiled wilderness paradise. Until the dam broke." Ummm, no. It was unspoiled until they built the dam and moved people in. Before that it was likely a large stream in the...
  15. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Sorry, this isn't chicken related but I need to vent. Some of you might remember I was coaching a robotics team last year. Well, we're at it again but things aren't going so well this year. Last year wasn't so hot either as we only had two team members besides my own boys but at least I could...
  16. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    We just processed our two large turkeys late last night. Both female, both over 22 lbs. They're still on ice at the moment but I want to cut them up quick before freezing - this morning. There's no way we could eat a whole roast bird of this size. I probably should have asked this before we...
  17. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    I wish I could use my cast iron pans. This house came with fuel oil and a glass-top stove. Not compatible with cast iron, especially the kind with the lip on the bottom (which includes all of my set). I'd need either an electric stove or a propane stove (we converted) but I'm not in the...
  18. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Anyone want an adorable Mille Fleur Booted Bantam cockerel for free? I just can't have these little toy breeds. My birds free range and we have barn cats. He fits right through the electric fence netting to complicate things. Today one of my barn cats braved the electronet to attempt to get...
  19. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome! Would like to see a similar story about Garden City. They are equally a disgrace to the State of Michigan and I think they know it.
  20. ladyrsanti

    Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

    Raz, I'm probably the one who got you in trouble about the non-existent sheep. I go to that shop in Frankenmuth every year and likely talked about it. I probably had no clue what your last name was at the time and well, who would have ever guessed your local officials would be so stupid...
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