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  1. B_Chickle01

    Oxytetracycline at local TSC?!

    So I was wondering if anyone could tell me how in the hell TSC in Massachusetts had oxytetracycline on their shelves (in store) and allowed me to purchase it without an RX from a vet! My mind is blown right now. Is Massachusetts exempt from that law or something?Or did I just get super lucky...
  2. B_Chickle01

    Question on Canker and treatment

    Ok So I was hoping all you knowledgeable people could help me understand this… Quick back story that led me up to this point.. There was a group discussion between me and few others on Canker and treatments… Some one then offered up treatment advice that has been apparently “well known”(I never...
  3. B_Chickle01

    Black Paint chick with white tips on wings

    So I had a question about paints… My paint silkie hatched some chicks and I have one thats all black with a couple white feathers on tips of its wings. Its almost like a reverse paint?! Is this normal? Also how long can it take for their feet to fully blacken? The colors been making its way down...
  4. B_Chickle01

    Ameraucana‘s or Not?!

    Question… I’m new to this breed. My fiancé surprised me with chickens for Mother’s Day and was told they were Ameraucana‘s. Are the two in this photo really Ameraucana’s or no? TIA for taking the time to respond!
  5. B_Chickle01

    Emergency 🚨

    I’m not sure if this is posted under the correct topic I apologize if its not. With that being said..So it was on my Fb BYC group that I heard about(for the first time) a couple days ago of a chick dying from strangulation from mama hens feathers! I just lost my first chick to this! I know that...
  6. B_Chickle01

    Paint Silkie

    I have a question! I don't know a lot about breeding and genetics I’ve only read a little about it.. but I have 3 8month old paint silkies. My Roo just started to show Khaki leakage(which I read is more likely to happen with males if I remember correctly) is it normal at this age for it to...
  7. B_Chickle01

    Marek’s & Oxine

    Was reading on this Marek’s fb group page about Oxine and people using it in their water to help with Marek’s and the health of your flock. Wondering what your thoughts are. Has anyone ever used this? Is it worth me even trying?(For anyone who doesn’t know..I have had an actual Marek’s Diagnosis...
  8. B_Chickle01

    Sour Crop

    So my chicken(Brahma Mama) who first showed signs of Dry pox now is showing signs of sour crop. I had a pullet with sour crop last yr. I had to withhold food and stuff and treated with monistat cream and within a couple days she was ok. But I dont remember how much of the cream I give her and...
  9. B_Chickle01


    I STG its one thing after the other.. I just went to button up my chickens for the night and the one Brahma who was broody has stuff all over her face! What am I looking at?! Is this fowl pox?! Is she uncomfortable? I feel so bad for her it looks painful! Pics are below thread! I would...
  10. B_Chickle01


    Was curious how many others on here have dealt with(or are dealing with)Mareks in their flocks. I just lost another chicken a couple hours ago. This is now 13 chickens in total. Did you guys lose ur whole flock? Im so terrified. I dont even get a second to at least try to deal or come to terms...
  11. B_Chickle01


    I posted on here bit ago my 4week(about)old cornish was showing signs of Coccidiosis. He was treated with powder CORID 1/3 tsp for 7 days. He is still showing signs of coccidiosis. I attached photos below of a couple of his poops to see. Is it possible theres an immunity to Corid? I read that...
  12. B_Chickle01


    I attached photo down below of a poop from one of my 4week old Cornish I just spotted before changing he/shes bedding… this isnt coccidiosis right?! I read shes about age where coccidiosis will pop up..(s)he JUST got done with 5day corid treatment due to foamy poops and is now on some...
  13. B_Chickle01

    Is it broken?

    So at my job theres a cornish rock who appears to have injury. I was messaged on day off to come access the situation.. Im trying to help her and nurse her back to health(if possible) but the placement of the injury is really odd.. is it broken? Or what? Idk if she was walking on her hocks too...
  14. B_Chickle01


    Hey I just wanted to follow up with everyone who has helped me over these past AWFUL several months.. I lost two more chickens.. one of mine I lost Monday am it was my last Porcelain Duccle I had left she was 3yrs old. I paid for over night shipping to Cornell for Necropsy and Bloodwork. It was...
  15. B_Chickle01

    Treadle Feeder

    In everyones opinion which Treadle Feeder have they seemed to have the best of luck with? Or if you don’t personally own one which one have you heard of people preferring? I’ve been reading some on here and other websites wanted to see if theres any recents opinions!
  16. B_Chickle01

    Rats 😖

    So we realized we have a rat problem in and under(all coops are raised off ground but tunnels in dirt under them) coops! I haven't seen any inside small coop but bigger ones. By time we realized it was an infestation cause we never saw or had to deal with rat issues! My neighbor had an...
  17. B_Chickle01

    Leghorn-PLEASE HELP!

    Ugh.. It could be just me being over paranoid again but I trust everyones opinions on here so I wanted to see what everyone thought first before me stressing myself to point of exhaustion…My Leghorn Susie doesnt look right I feel.. I dont believe its molt its been like this then I thought maybe...
  18. B_Chickle01

    Silkie Ladder!

    Trying to train silkie to go up and down ladder. I hired it with bricks theres more then enough stairs and no kind of “lip” shed have to hop over. So I wanted to add some of that anti slip cabinet liner i happen to have some left was wondering what to use to apply it?! My fiance misplaced staple...
  19. B_Chickle01

    Urgent!! 🆘

    I have a question.. what exactly are these marks all over my boys comb?! The ones at the tip of him comb look odd.. Im all nervous now because he's under the weather so had him out earlier to sit with me to ensure he was getting water and eating and he was mouth breathing and that’s when I...
  20. B_Chickle01

    Quick question on Marek’s or other diseases!

    I wanted to double check something to make sure I’m not misinterpreting something..So from alot of things I’ve read as well as comments from people on here and Avian Vet with Dept of Ag.. if death of chickens was in fact from Marek’s Disease.. if one of my hens started showing signs like all the...
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