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  1. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Here's the good news update!!! I had to leave town from Friday morning to Saturday night and debated on either leaving him in the house or leaving him outside in our "grow out" pen. I was hesitant on outside because the temps were going to dip but finally decided that he would be better off...
  2. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Have not been on here in a looooong time - life just got too busy. Everything has been great until just in the past month... posted this on the disease forum but wanted to see if you any of you had any thoughts on this as I obviously prefer to do things as natural as possible... Video included...
  3. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I have ducks and have had multiple ages of chickens as well (including some silkies and roosters). I have always fed all of them a grower feed. I've never used a layer feed at all. I just supply oyster shell free-choice in a little bowl. They know when and how much calcium they need. When I have...
  4. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    ...Sesame Seeds Lentils Flax Seed Kelp Granules - think I might add to the 5-gallon fermented bucket at a time so that it sticks with the feed??? *can get Hard Red and Hard White Wheat Berries but don't have them on hand right now - maybe the wheat in the triticale will do? If not, then I would...
  5. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Thanks to Justine, I now get mine here - much cheaper than from my local health food store little jars... and we go through a lot so it's nice to get it organic in bulk!
  6. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Thought this might interest some of you - regarding bees and pesticides, etc. Down toward the bottom of the article, it gives information on how these treated plants, etc. are affecting birds and laying...
  7. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Mine too! I was very sad to have had to re-home my EE boy, but the crowing back and forth between him and my daughter's silkie was out of control. Our cochin doesn't care to compete - he just crows once in a while, so he's our new nice, pretty boy.
  8. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Question... My white silkie hen had 3 chicks. I assumed that the father was our blue silkie as I was pretty certain that my cochin boy hadn't started mounting until after she had already gone broody and was laying on her eggs. 2 chicks are black (blue) and 1 is gray. The gray one is younger...
  9. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Finally! It's almost midnight and I finally caught up around here - had several days to read through. I use open waterers year-round for both my chickens and ducks. However, while we do get snow and some nights it can dip below 0, I don't think we have too extreme temps for long enough to cause...
  10. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Forgot to mention that my beautiful cochin boy "Monsoon" finally started to crow. He just turned 6 months old. They really do mature a lot slower... took him a while to mount the girls at first, didn't crow for a couple months after he started that, and just recently started doing "rooster"...
  11. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I didn't heat at all - most of the time I just had to make sure I got up early in the morning to dump out the ice blocks (rubber water bowls) and fill with fresh water. When it was really cold and my hoses were too frozen, I would haul water - other times I would use the hose and maybe still...
  12. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    I hope to never have to do surgery - my job does allow me to do a daily soak most of the time, but yes, it can be a pain. I also have the koi meds on hand in case I need it. While I was waiting for it to come in, I just applied Nustock and saw improvement and so just decided to go with that for...
  13. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Awwwww.... so much fun to watch. Do all of you find that you always HAVE to do surgery or do you make a distinction between varied degrees of bumblefoot? Just curious because all my ducks had it, 2 of them really bad and I never did any surgery or removed scabs. I just put nustock on it and...
  14. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Quote: Thanks Delisha - she is a pullet - approximately 23 weeks old. However, she was a super early layer; layed her first egg just barely over 18 weeks old. I did find a softshell egg in the middle of the run yesterday and then this happened today - not sure if the softshell yesterday was...
  15. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Hey everyone - need a little advice... Tonight when I went out to visit my girls, my naked neck "Squeaky" was walking funny. Then she started to almost lay down or fall over - something definitely was wrong. I went to pick her up and a softshelled egg dropped out of her, but it didn't seem...
  16. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    My little silkie girl "Cloud" is currently raising her first 3 babies. She wouldn't give up trying to go broody - we'd break her but after a week or so of laying, she'd go broody again. So, I finally gave in and let her sit on 3 silkie eggs. She seems to be a very good mama for just a hatchery...
  17. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Just opened up 2 bags of organic chick starter for my new silkie babies - purchased them just yesterday. They are full of little bugs!!! Now, I know they can eat the bugs but my question is if I should return the feed because it might mean it's old??? I can't even store this feed in my kitchen...
  18. countrygirl74

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Oh my gosh - he's adorable aoxa!!!
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