The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

My EE boys have always been very well behaved. He sure is pretty! :)
Mine too! I was very sad to have had to re-home my EE boy, but the crowing back and forth between him and my daughter's silkie was out of control. Our cochin doesn't care to compete - he just crows once in a while, so he's our new nice, pretty boy.
Here she is...

This is a pic of a rooster that has a "dirty-ish" comb. I have not paid much attention to the roosters' since we don't really get close and since theirs is not noticeable but hubby informed me he has seen it on a couple of them. They are not nearly as close to the broody's though. Pardon the moving object which makes the pic unclear.

I think the dirty looking areas on your chickens'combs might be favus, a fungal infection. Usually lotrimin will help to get rid of it. Just do a search up at the top of the page for favus--there are a couple of good pics of it that I would post except that I can't do it on my Ipad tonight.
Mine too! I was very sad to have had to re-home my EE boy, but the crowing back and forth between him and my daughter's silkie was out of control. Our cochin doesn't care to compete - he just crows once in a while, so he's our new nice, pretty boy.
I'm lucky, I am far out in the country. My nearest neighbor loves my chickens, especially the eggs, they even like to hear my roosters crow. But their house is about 1/4 mile away from my house, so noise isn't a problem. And since I put up with their braying miniature donkeys, bawling cows and neighing horses, they won't complain about a few roosters. No really they are great neighbors, they keep an eye on my property and I watch out for their property, their livestock and their dogs as well.
So today I changed mrs greens feet and was trying to figure a way to 1. Get the oil into the sore, 2. Keep it there & 3. Somehow keep the vet wrap dry/clean with the intermittent rain we have been having.

My mom stopped to help me. The coconut oil was solid from Being in the fridge, I cut up a couple gauze pads to hold it against the sores and cut the corner off a plastic Baggie. Off we went to see if I could get it to work
Here are the sores today

I was able to pick off more of the scab area on both. I then put the gauze with the coconut oil chunk on the sore and wrapped with vet wrap. Since I had lost one Baggie corner I could only try it on one foot. I put it over the vet wrap.

I pushed the plastic baggy down around her toes and caught/hid most of it with duct tape and off she went. I'll redo them again tomorrow and see if her feet are cleaner. Tho I think I will put the plastic over the gauze then wrap it with vet wrap. I'm hoping this keeps more of the oil in to heal her sores faster and keep all the dirt out. Thank goodness she is very tolerable of her booties since she has been wearing them for what seems forever.

And Leah's mom I bought 2 glass bowls for the heated dog bowl for winter. And when they delivered a load of firewood today I asked them what they do with the stuff they put through the chipper. They said they sell it but sometimes have loads they give away for free cuz they need it gone. Going to call tomorrow and tell them to put me on the list for free wood chips
Yay on the wood chips!

Let us know how that plastic works!
Thought this might interest some of you - regarding bees and pesticides, etc. Down toward the bottom of the article, it gives information on how these treated plants, etc. are affecting birds and laying.
Thanks for posting

Yay on the wood chips!

Let us know how that plastic works!
I'm kind of curious how it works as well. I have been thinking of different things I could use that would work & something that would work more than once would be a bonus. I need to wander the dollar store and see what I can find. Maybe I will find something that I can patent & make my millions
Millions sounds good! You could be the next "Duck Commander".... Except you could be the "Bumble Queen"

On the water bowl..what size heated bowl did you get? You'll have to post a photo.

I have several of the large ones that hold 5 quarts that I use the heating elements from to keep the ff from freezing. But - I think I might try the smaller one for water. One of the farm stores carries them in winter locally here but they're not on the shelf yet. It is 1 quart instead of 5 quarts. Like these:

I was thinking I could fit one of the pyrex storage containers inside it but since they don't have any on the shelf yet, I haven't been able to experiment yet.

I'm hoping one of these would fit right in the quart bowl.

Millions sounds good! You could be the next "Duck Commander".... Except you could be the "Bumble Queen"

On the water bowl..what size heated bowl did you get? You'll have to post a photo.

I have several of the large ones that hold 5 quarts that I use the heating elements from to keep the ff from freezing. But - I think I might try the smaller one for water. One of the farm stores carries them in winter locally here but they're not on the shelf yet. It is 1 quart instead of 5 quarts. Like these:

I was thinking I could fit one of the pyrex storage containers inside it but since they don't have any on the shelf yet, I haven't been able to experiment yet.

I'm hoping one of these would fit right in the quart bowl.

They sell these at the dollar store now. :) Glass. I am using them for my puppy dishes.

I told you guys my poodle had pups yes? Well on Thursday at our wedding shower, Susan announced that my wedding gift was a puppy. The next day Koda was killed chasing a skunk off of our property.. Anyway.. we were going to keep her no matter what. So very sad Koda won't be around to help train her :(

Here she is.

She is the cuddliest thing. Her eyes are starting to open.

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