Search results for query: Woods coop

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  1. J

    Wood vs metal auto coop door - For winter

    I did a search but couldn't really find anything that addressed insulation of coop doors. Live in NH- our winters can get below freezing and ice storms are common. Summers have started to get extremely hot as well, sometimes reaching 100 degrees. I was looking at 3 coop doors- Adore; Eglet and...
  2. A

    Chicken run as a Woods coop?

    ...on an idea... Has anyone in the Midwest (hot summers/cold winters) enclosed a run with tarp for the winter to create a sort of Woods coop? I currently have this 10'x6' run (6.5' at peak): With this 4.6' wide x 4' tall x 30" deep shed inside run for four chickens: Inside the shed is two...
  3. K

    Woods Coop Materials List?

    ...designs and gotten things built, etc., but I'm wondering whether anyone has a concise list of lumber and sheet goods needed to complete a Woods coop in any of the 3 most common sizes I'm seeing on BYC -- 10'x6', 16'x10', and 8'x12'. Dr. Woods himself gives a lovely list of lumber sizes and...
  4. Modern Chicken

    Wood pellets for the coop?

    Has anyone tried using softwood pellets as bedding in the coop?
  5. C

    Adding wood ash to sand Coop run

    Good afternoon, I have a covered run in Vermont that has sand and diatomaceous earth in it. Throughout the year when it rains heavily, or when it snows heavily or when the ground freezes, the run will absorb water from the Earth. Then it will dry out again and be usable. I’ve been wanting to...
  6. U

    Question Regarding Woods Style Coop Design.

    I am just getting started researching coop designs for an eventual build and have a quick question - would building it with a sloped roof where the front(open) side is lower than the back side pose a problem? So say 5 ft at front rising to 7 ft high at the back. The thought process being that...
  7. genxjanette

    Woods Fresh Air Coop

    We’re building an 8x12 Woods Fresh Air Coop. This is our progress so far. I want to thank everyone who has built this type of coop and posted here. We never would have gotten this far without this resource. We have 8 chicks waiting to move in. More updates to follow.
  8. Coopin Is a Habit

    Metal Roof In Wisconsin Winters - Insulation? Foam caps? Plywood? Or will just purlins do?

    Title pretty much says it all. Do I need to have vapor barrier on plywood, purlins, then foam closure strips, and then roof? Or will birds do just fine with just the metal roof on purlins. It will have very good insulation as it is a Woods Open air coop. Thanks in advance for any answers!
  9. Gotalotofpetstoo

    Type of wood to build a coop

    We are wanting to build a chicken coop for my mother. This coop will be for three adult silky hens, One bantam rooster and five pullets currently. So basically nine small chickens. My main question is the type of wood that is suitable for building the coop. I'm reading so many different things...
  10. Grayspots

    Coop wood - Is redwood safe?

    Hello! I'm designing my first coop and have seen redwood mentioned frequently as a top choice due to its durability and resistance to rot. But then I found a reference to it being high in tannins and being unsafe for poultry. Then, because it's the internet, I found a reference to cedar and pine...
  11. Coopin Is a Habit

    Woods Open Air Coop Scaled Down (Can I do a 4 x 10?)

    Hello everyone! I am completely new to chickens and coop building as well as having minimal building experience. I am operating on a budget and have acquired a lot of free lumber to build a coop for my 8 ladies who grow significantly every day. I decided that Woods' Open Air Poultry House is the...
  12. B

    Chicken coop signs?

    I often see coops with signs of various kinds usually Fresh Eggs or some thing to that effect. Do any of you have a sign on your coop? Here is mine:
  13. CrystalAnon

    What’s your favorite way to clean wood in your coop?

    I did a couple of searches & didn’t see anything very specific to this question. So forgive me if this has been hashed & rehashed. What’s your favorite way to clean wood in your coop? I’m a newbie & I’m trying to figure out the best way to clean the messier poops that dried on the wood. I...
  14. C

    Prefab Coop Question - Sealing the wood

    First I want to ask that no one bad mouth me for not building a custom coop. I'm a first time chicken owner and live in the city. I have no major power tools and no construction experience so I bought a prefab kit. Yes its appropriately sized for my birds and while its from a feed store, it...
  15. C

    Wood chip mulch for run?

    Does anyone have any experience in using wood chip mulch for their chicken run? (The kind you see at playgrounds, not sure if I’m using the right name) My run is so muddy and STINKS because it’s at the bottom of a slope in my yard. I researched it online and seems safe to use, however...
  16. N

    "Ready to Go" Building Plans for a Woods Style Coop

    Hello! I'm new to chickens - in fact, I don't have any chickens yet, but I do have a nice, big backyard and I'm trying to create a nice habitat and figure out all the different elements of chicken care BEFORE I get any birds. (Can you imagine?) I live in Ohio; hot humid summers, cold winters...
  17. S

    Little Coop in the Big Woods

    Hi! I am joining BYC though I have been following for about 10 years. This is my 4th time raising chickens in that time. I started 10 years ago when we moved to a rural county in N. California and raised 4 chickens in town. I met a wonderful man and we joined families and raised up to 20...
  18. becstalls

    Tree service wood chips for deep litter method inside coop?

    While we are rehabbing our old coop in prep for spring, I thought I’d reach out to a local tree service to see if they had any wood chips to use as litter inside the coop. When I told hubby about the idea, he rejected it on the grounds that wood chips from a tree service would still be too...
  19. CKfarm22

    Chicken Coop and Wood Shed together

    We’re making plans for another new coop LOL. This is going to be for my parents house. My dad wants a wood shed attached to the side of the chicken coop. Wood shed measurements 4’x6’ Coop Measurements 8’x6’ Here is the rough outline of how we want to set it up: And here is the inside...
  20. I

    Winter Coop / heating / plastic vs wood

    OK, I have only had poultry in Texas before, so no winter down in the RGV. I am in a new state helping out my folks and there is actual winter (north east). So, I am trying to find out a few things: This time I am just buying a prefab coop from tractor supply - last time my husband and father...
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