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  1. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Mad face! Its hotter than 2 mice bumpin uglies in a wool sock here!!!
  2. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    That it is cuz i think rattlers are flippin beautiful right after a shed! Look at any snake that hasnt molted in a while and they are all dull n dingey. Catch that sucka right after it sheds its skin and you got yerself a nice wallet! Wit reds, oranges, and even some blues and purples if ya find...
  3. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Theres a meat market here that sells rattler for $25/lb! So ig ya got 1 skin it and put that sucka on craigs list! Lol the owner said old timers have been buyin it for years and that they say it helps fight cancer.... idk bout all that but hey luv me some kabobs!
  4. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    This is the second or third time back on the snake sub! Lovin the divercity of this thread! You never know who wiill say what!
  5. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Have u ever got yer dreds go 0 gravity on WEED? Dog gone pot kettle meet pot.... bahahahaha where's the lighter??? GOTTA LOVE THE SIMPLE THINGS!
  6. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    ...squad leader was a female E-6 and upon arrival I showed her a nice fat fly strip with all the trimmins! Yea I was smoked for an hr or so in the 130* heat! Good times! Don't get me started on the fly trap at the mess hall! A gallon size bait bag that was changed 4x a YEAR! Smelled like a dead...
  7. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Didja take out the trash b4 she noticed?
  8. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Cuz its wat I wuda dun!
  9. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Yea but tell her that u had to throw away your fav fly lures......
  10. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Yea id be the one to go and try to say I smoked it myself and accually feed it to someone! Lol I wouldn't! Ok maybe if they ****** me of..... lol J/K
  11. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    If only the child labor laws didn't exist! Id pay a lil kid to go under there and bring back a frozen snake for $5! Oh well maybe nxt year....
  12. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Mumified snake! Priceless! Did he atleast bring it out to show you?
  13. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Lol awesome! Love snakes! Back before I deployed my mom came to visit. My daughter had bought me a ball python for my birthday and it was in the livingroom. Well my mom came in and sat down on the couch. Watching my oldest and my then baby 4yo play on the floor, saw my oldest tap on its cage. My...
  14. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Yes that wuda been a sight to see! EPIC I bet! Good 1 Sumi!
  15. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Sarge is a "river rat!" Lol that's what we were known by in the whole army! We love playin with million $ equipment tryin to get our commander and 1SG soaked! Only job in the army that requires a boat! TWIN TURBO CUMMINGS or SABRE ENGINES! Gotta find video of us "duck divin" the privates! Epic...
  16. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Yup I can go to buffalo bayou and catch fish from the amazon! 5-7 footers! Good eatin too! Lol Arapimas I think they are.... I know there are arawanas in there too!
  17. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Yea buddy!
  18. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    I gots me a tattoo that sez that!
  19. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Yup that's my baby Mia! She's my sidekick! My bestest bud! Wen daddys mad at the world she come up and just calms me right down..... funny its like she's got a rabbid pit bull on a toy poodle leash....SMH! Yup I'm fudged! X4!!!!
  20. chickletteSarge

    Sourland in trouble

    Don't need no stinkink fich to keep me in _______ Ha ! I gotz 4 daughters! Nuff sed
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