Sourland in trouble

lady, when you 'go sailing' with them, please stay on shore.
Cool pictures.

But Spook is scared of sailing.
Spook is scared of water.

If I get my sheet wet, it's over.

With that said, I'm off to vacuum the swimming pool.
(my daughter is not scared of water.)
Sour, how many guardian angels have you got?

Bunny, you got me worried now. My DH is very busy designing a catamaran. And his planning on building it and taking us out on it. Good thing I'm not scared of water!
Sarge is a "river rat!" Lol that's what we were known by in the whole army! We love playin with million $ equipment tryin to get our commander and 1SG soaked! Only job in the army that requires a boat! TWIN TURBO CUMMINGS or SABRE ENGINES! Gotta find video of us "duck divin" the privates! Epic! I once got the whole front half fully submerged!
Good times!.......sigh.....
"Boys and their toys," eh?

lady, when you 'go sailing' with them, please stay on shore.
No worries, Sour. I may have self-esteem issues, but I ain't suicidal! That boat is too many for me, and I know it, besides which, I don't swim very well. I asked Hubby when he bought it "What are you going to do, put an ad on the boards of the local sailing clubs: 'Middle-aged dude with insanely fast boat needs experienced crew to help him learn how to sail it'?"(he said, "You know, to the guys that are interested in this sort of thing, I'm more like "Old geezer with . . .") I was surprised when DS went out the second time with him, the kid has a surprisingly well-developed sense of self-preservation for his age. Still, it's something that they can do together - it's good, right?

Sumi, catamarans are inherently more stable than these silly things. I've been out on my BIL's Hobie cat many times, other than feeling a trifle sea-sick, it doesn't bother me at all. Of course, I've never been on a downwind in a screaming gale on that thing, either! No doubt about it, I'm a fair-weather sailor!
Thanks. The guys on his boat design forum seem to think he knows what he's doing, so I guess I'd better have faith.
Thing is, he wants to go sail round Britain with it. How safe is swimming in the English channel?
Another sailing 'widow' here! I'm happy to leave DH and DS to it though, I do not have sea legs (or stomach!) and the few times I have been out with him hasn't ended very well. Getting hauled out of the water by the sea cadets before we'd even left the harbour was pretty humiliating!!
Maybe I'm strange, but I don't think you did anything wrong. I would have laughed too. You did conceal it by putting it in the garbage can. My DH put a young headless rattlesnake body by our stairs one day trying to scare me when I came home. I walked over it and came inside and said "nice try". But then again, I'm not afraid of snakes. Funny part is he's terrified of them.

Now I did get in hot water from my mother on Halloween when I threw my son's plastic snake on the ground by her car. (I should mention she hates snakes) She got out and totally freaked. It was so flippin hilarious, we were all in tears laughing our butts off. (except my mom, she didn't think it was very funny) Wish I got it on video.
60 + years ago the rubber snake trick didn't set real well with my father. Sure seemed like good idea at the time.
I will say this, after all that time his reaction is still firmly ingrained in the fear portion of my brain.

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