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  1. brucifer


    ...I haven't received a single notice from this thread in over a month, only a couple of BYC notices that they broadcast to everyone. What gives? ************ Hey, y'all, if we have a BYC shindig like we did last year at Jack's place, I'll bring a load of smoked tandoori chicken. I have this...
  2. brucifer


    Hey Sue, Nothing like me answering your post a month Glad y'all are doing well. We've had to put everything on hold over here. I have a long project list, but we may be moving, so I'm holding off on getting quail and any more chickens for now. As much as I hate to do it, I've...
  3. brucifer


    Hey Sue. Sounds like a rat snake. A remember the huge one last year my son caught in our house, in the brooder room. I think I posted a photo of it. It ate a silkie chick and bit a slew of buff orps chicks in the brooder, and most of them became sick and later died. Even with such a bad...
  4. brucifer


    I agree with Jack; it was probably a large dog. They can sneak in a yard and do some serious damage in short order. I love dogs, but not strays or roaming packs.
  5. brucifer


    Good luck! :fl
  6. brucifer


    Fun day making mushroom logs with @Tabasco Jack , some of his family, @Mylied , and her brothers. Jack has designed a very efficient operation of inoculating logs with mushroom shiitake spores and sealing them. I bought six logs and am very excited to see a bloom of mushrooms sometime in the...
  7. brucifer


    That's great @Mylied . I anxious to get started. None of our fruit trees have bloomed yet. Peach tree went straight to leaf, and we're still waiting to see what the pear trees will do. As for the bees, it may take me awhile to get used to handling them. I've checked out a lot of videos, and...
  8. brucifer


    I didn't know you had sourwood there. If you're still doing the mushroom thing this weekend, I'd like to stop by your place. Everyone is clear of the flu over here.
  9. brucifer


    I plan to have just five pullets and perhaps one cockerel for now. Lisa still wants to move to a larger homestead, so that plus a couple of other things are keeping me from getting back in full swing. It was tough for us to say goodbye to all our chickens. They are wonderful fowl. We had 80+ at...
  10. brucifer


    Becky, the fibro gene (Fm) will washout quickly unless you cross your AC cockerel with another high-quality AC. The people who breed ACs have to cull very hard to get solid black offspring. From what I have read, it seems that there are more than one gene that influence the expression of solid...
  11. brucifer


    That Friday was actually today. I hope I don't catch the flu either. The flu shot is pretty much ineffective this year because the vaccine covers the wrong strain of the virus. The CDC has to guess every year, but this year they missed it. I got a pneumonia...
  12. brucifer


    If you're looking to buy show-quality chickens, Friday (first day) is the best day to go to the Newnan Show for the swap. Last year folks were wheeling and dealing at the end of day on Friday. Lots of bargains to be had. Many of the sellers don't stick around for Saturday. I had hoped to go this...
  13. brucifer


    Hi everyone! Hope y'all and your birds are making it through this unseasonably-cold winter. I was hoping to make it to the Newnan show in a couple of weeks, but the swap lands on the same date as the Chinese New Year, so I won't be going. Next week I plan to go to Jack's place for the great...
  14. brucifer


    Hope everyone is hanging in there with these cold temperatures. These night temps are cold enough for chicken comb's to get frostbite. Hope no one is having to deal with that. We had an interesting Christmas with no water in the house. Two days before Christmas a contractor broke our water line...
  15. brucifer


    Hi Sue. That's a fairy egg. It doesn't have a yolk, just albumen (egg white). Sometimes a hen's magnum will squirt out a glob of albumen without a yolk being present. What happens in that case is that the albumen will acquire a membrane as it passes through the hen's isthmus and then acquire a...
  16. brucifer


    Ben Pitts taught my class. The class is super easy and fun. Your instructor will give you the answers to the test, so don't sweat it. Yes, you can legally sell eggs in GA once you take and pass the one-day course, and you will be provided all need-to-know information. Have fun!
  17. brucifer


    ...they're not really birds for beginners. You really need to know the backstory of these chickens, or you can get duped and ripped off very easily. *Buyer Beware* if you buy AC hatching eggs from eBay. Because of the high retail on ACs, there are a lot of scammers out there. @Flowerbh got some...
  18. brucifer


    Even at that price, they were a bargain to be had. Well done. :thumbsup
  19. brucifer


    Sounds like you have a nice menagerie of birds. One of my favorite poultry breeders lives in your neck of the woods. If you're looking for a good source for French Black Copper Marans (FBCM) or Chocolate Orpingtons, PM me and I'll give you his contact info. His birds are the real deal and...
  20. brucifer


    Howdy, neighbor! Carroll County here, midway between Villa Rica and Carrollton. What kind of chickens ya got?
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