:barnieMy kids were suppose to all come in today to celebrate a late Christmas! Due to the winter storm, my daughter, her husband and our two grandkids from Connecticut can't make it. Flights are all cancelled! So, my other 3 kids and 4 grandkids are here, but we sure will miss having all of us here! AND, I delayed selling the baby chicks until after this weekend so the the grandkids could play with them!
Smallest egg ever.No bigger then a thumbnail if that. What would cause this?
Smallest egg ever.No bigger then a thumbnail if that. What would cause this?

Hi Sue. That's a fairy egg. It doesn't have a yolk, just albumen (egg white). Sometimes a hen's magnum will squirt out a glob of albumen without a yolk being present. What happens in that case is that the albumen will acquire a membrane as it passes through the hen's isthmus and then acquire a shell just before it is laid. It's a common glitch in the egg-development process within a hen's oviduct. Of course, since there is no yolk, the egg is infertile and won't hatch. The fairy egg is edible if you want to take a crack at it. :lol:
Hope everyone is hanging in there with these cold temperatures. These night temps are cold enough for chicken comb's to get frostbite. Hope no one is having to deal with that.

We had an interesting Christmas with no water in the house. Two days before Christmas a contractor broke our water line near the meter. Although he fixed it at the break, the water line sucked in Georgia red clay and sediment which took out our water line further down the line somewhere near the house, 200 ft away from the original break. Anyway, we ended up being without water service for four days. Had to replace the entire line, a toilet fill valve, and the kitchen faucet as well. Glad we didn't have guests over this year.

Still have lots of outdoor projects to complete. I'd like to get about five pullets of the same breed this year. I may wait until the Newnan show and see if they have anything of interest there. Anyone else planning to go?

Also, I have some incubators and turners for sale. PM me if interested.
Well, sold all the chicks. Now selling some hatching eggs! Since I have so many eggs, I am going to hatch some more. Have a guy that asked me to hatch some for him. I love hatching chicks!'

Overrun with eggs! (And, no farmers market!) This is 3 days worth!
Well, sold all the chicks. Now selling some hatching eggs! Since I have so many eggs, I am going to hatch some more. Have a guy that asked me to hatch some for him. I love hatching chicks!'

Overrun with eggs! (And, no farmers market!) This is 3 days worth!
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Wow! How many hens do you have? I only have two chickens consistently laying right now and two ducks laying.
Yikes! What is going on here! Got 41 chicken eggs today and 3 duck eggs! I know what will happen.......come Farmers Market time, they will all stop laying!!!!
Mylied, I have about 69 chickens out back, which includes 6 roosters.
Hope everyone is hanging in there with these cold temperatures. These night temps are cold enough for chicken comb's to get frostbite. Hope no one is having to deal with that.

We had an interesting Christmas with no water in the house. Two days before Christmas a contractor broke our water line near the meter. Although he fixed it at the break, the water line sucked in Georgia red clay and sediment which took out our water line further down the line somewhere near the house, 200 ft away from the original break. Anyway, we ended up being without water service for four days. Had to replace the entire line, a toilet fill valve, and the kitchen faucet as well. Glad we didn't have guests over this year.

Still have lots of outdoor projects to complete. I'd like to get about five pullets of the same breed this year. I may wait until the Newnan show and see if they have anything of interest there. Anyone else planning to go?

Also, I have some incubators and turners for sale. PM me if interested.
Hey there, Welcome back.
Sorry to hear about your water problems. That's a bummer.
Ducks in winter are not a profitable venture for us. Tried to process some at 12 weeks but still couldn't get all the down off of them. Bought wax to dip them in but it's been way too cold. And now they are molting again. Planning to try again toward the end of the month or first of Feb.
@GAMarans might be interested in the incubators for school projects. Do you have her number?
I know things have been slow here. We had a great holidays with most of the family getting together. Roast duck, rabbit and fresh mushroom soup was on the menu.

Speaking of mushrooms, I'm planning on doing another log inoculation day in Feb. Anyone interested?
I know things have been slow here. We had a great holidays with most of the family getting together. Roast duck, rabbit and fresh mushroom soup was on the menu.

Speaking of mushrooms, I'm planning on doing another log inoculation day in Feb. Anyone interested?
Yes, definitely. Well, if you do it on a weekend.

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