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  1. Denmarc

    bloody mucus

    yesterday when I let the hens out I noticed 2 bloody globs in the coop. these 2 hens are 8 years old, one still lays every couple of days. the other does not they both look healthy and are their usual active selves I did not find any injuries on them any ideas?
  2. Denmarc

    Ducks run help please!

    how do you keep grass in your run? I have tried everything I can think and can't keep grass in the chicken, or the duck run
  3. Denmarc

    hardware cloth on ground around small kiddie pool for ducks

    thank you, I have a lot of pea gravel, which is different from river pebbles, do the ducks eat the pebbles? I have the food dish about 5-6 feet away from the pool.
  4. Denmarc

    hardware cloth on ground around small kiddie pool for ducks

    I am also seeing mice or voles now which I had not in the past they are digging holes, burrowing under ground in the run . I keep the feed in a steel can and only put some in their dish in the mornings so its not like a free feeding for the mice(at night) not sure how to deal with this I had a...
  5. Denmarc

    hardware cloth on ground around small kiddie pool for ducks

    I had planned on putting flagstone on top of the hardware cloth so they would not be walking directly on the wire, or possibly even laying down sod so the roots could grow through the wire cloth so that they would not be able to dig deep craters in the mud but was unsure if I should do the...
  6. Denmarc

    hardware cloth on ground around small kiddie pool for ducks

    I have a question that I have searched the threads for but cannot seem to find an answer. I am trying to limit the ducks from putting so much dirt in their pool. I empty it every night but they are digging massive hole in the dirt around the pool. I had their heated water bowl during the...
  7. Denmarc

    1st time with ancona ducks...when can you sex?

    I just acquired one 2 week old that I think is a black and 2 1 week olds that I think are lavender or blue maybe, and one 1 week old that I think might be a lilac or a silver possibly?
  8. Denmarc

    Nipple Waterer for ducks

    I have a heated nipple waterer that I purchased at BigR 2 years ago in my chicken coop run. it works very well so the girls always have fresh water, no more freezing and waiting for ice to melt. I am getting a few ducklings this week, I will be putting a nipple waterer in with them, hopefully...
  9. Denmarc

    intemittent stumbling

    I have a 7 year old barred rock Penny that recently I have heard her squawking loudly and running/stumbling and flapping then as quickly as it starts it stops and she is back to her usual self. At first my son thought she might have been stung by a wasp or something, but I did not notice any...
  10. Denmarc

    hens or roos, and breeds?

    ok, so today I got a pale cream colored egg, a white egg and a brown with gray speckles ? yesterday I had an almost pinkish colored egg? Im confused?
  11. Denmarc

    hens or roos, and breeds?

    so I have 2 white egg layers I think she is a cal white, but really no way to know for sure between the austra and a Cali White she is laying white eggs, do the austra s lay white?
  12. Denmarc

    How do you keep chickens from flying over the fence ?

    I have 8 hens, 2 6 year olds (buff orp and barred rock) and 2 2 year old cream legbars, we had a low 3 ft fence for the run with the coop and 6 ft fence the length of the back yard on each side with 3.5 ft fence at back of yard those 4 hens Never once tried to fly over our 4 new hens, 6...
  13. Denmarc

    hens or roos, and breeds?

    Found a small white egg, and a small brown egg this morning. the blue one is from one of the cream legbars. so, I know for sure 2 of the babies are hens
  14. Denmarc

    hens or roos, and breeds?

    updated pictures of the babies, now approx 5 months old give or take a week the brown one has a beautiful green sheen to its feathers that shows in the sunlight, have not been able to capture it in a photo. The white, has black feathers where the black spots were as a...
  15. Denmarc

    unknown attack

    Update on Lightning She has regrown all her white neck feathers, has been active with the flock, and for the first time since her injury she has laid an egg! yay! thanks for all the support!
  16. Denmarc

    unknown attack

    I brought her out and back in for several days, her wounds are all cleared up mostly, just has not regrown feathers yet. yesterday she was out all day with them and the squabbling seems to have subsided. she spent the night in the coop, and they have been fine today. so , hopefully the worst...
  17. Denmarc

    unknown attack

    Ok, so any suggestions on how long I should keep lightning inside? I brought her outside today to let her get some fresh air since she has been cooped up in the house since her attack. I was out there with her of course. but no sooner had the rest of the hens noticed her out there , her...
  18. Denmarc

    unknown attack

    Lightning started eating her layer feed today!
  19. Denmarc

    Pale combs?

    Have a 5 year old buff that has been laying up until this molt which has started, other than her comb being pale she is as active and not looking sick. hope the paleness is just the molt, though I had not noticed it to be so pale in previous years
  20. Denmarc

    unknown attack

    drinking on her own now antibiotics pain meds and food
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