Search results for query: Fermenting

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  1. Garden shed / chicken coop

    Garden shed / chicken coop

    We purchased a 12x20' garden shed from an Amish builder in Wisconsin. They hauled it out here. They set it where we had already had a level base of sand and several inches of pea gravel. We built a wall 5 feet from the right with a door to separate the coop from the garden shed and...
  2. Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method

    Fermenting Chicken Feed: A Straightforward Method

    Fermenting is a simple process which involves soaking chicken feed then feeding it to your chickens. It is similar to a sourdough starter! And there are so many benefits! The Benefits It is easier for your chickens to digest, especially if you are feeding them pellets or crumbles. Even grains...
  3. Hole grain fermentation

    Hole grain fermentation

    🐓🐓🐓 love it!!!
  4. BReeder!

    Fermented Feed - How we do it - The 4 Container Method

    ...they target the fermented feed first. We have just begun raising quail and will start giving them fermented feed too. We honestly stopped fermenting for the winter, because it was being done in our attached garage and did draw in some mice. I got rid of the mice, and decided fermenting is an...
  5. Fermented food and probiotics for good tummies

    Fermented food and probiotics for good tummies

    I've noticed the last year or so a big improvement in my hens health by supplementing with various fermented foods and probiotics. I hope this hasn't been covered to death but I've found easy and cheap ways to produce a good amount and make it sustainable, while keeping everyone happy...
  6. Shadrach

    A Change In Diet from dry to fermented, facts, myths and experience. on their way up to buy sour dough bread. There was no doubt in my mind that I had finally joined the chicken food fad jet set; I was fermenting and so was the feed. The chickens still eat it. The entire process took about three weeks. The chickens eat slightly more of the fermented feed...
  7. Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    Techniques in Feeding Your Flock "Off the Grid"

    ...can contain all stems with very little leaves so take a close look before buying. Purchase green bales only, no sun bleached yellow. Fermenting grains: Basically fermented chicken feed is probiotics for your chickens. It’s a wet mash (the chicken keeper’s term for moistened food) created...
  8. Fuss Free Fermented Feed Feeder

    Fuss Free Fermented Feed Feeder

    Do you love the benefits of feeding fermented food to your chicks and chickens? Are you tired of poop in the fermented feed? Is seeing your chicks' feet covered in hard, dried clumps of Fermented Food driving you crazy? Don't give up on the food your critters love! Get the handy dandy Fuss...
  9. Demosthine

    Feed Fermenter

    Feed Fermenter After reading ShadowMane's thread on Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds, I decided to use the same method she mentioned from BeeKissed for my flock that is laying hens. Several of the references in her thread have shown marked improvements in egg size, yolk size, shell thickness and...
  10. NO STRAIN Hot water EASY Fermented Feed Method w/video

    NO STRAIN Hot water EASY Fermented Feed Method w/video

    NO STRAIN Hot water EASY Fermented Feed Method HOT WATER NO STRAIN FF VIDEO I will add that DH wasn't happy about helping me to video and I also grabbed the first audio on the youtube list! And DH made me take out the comment about why I don't use whole grains, you know that whole ever eat...
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