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  1. rocknchickenfam

    In need of desperate help!

    I have one year old hens who I suspect have coccidios. Not my first batch of chickens and have treated before. Lethargic, loss of appetite and bloody stools. Started Corid. Lost one hen yesterday and nursing two other today. The problem, which I'm new to: sick hens all have fluid filled crops...
  2. rocknchickenfam

    need help!

    6 week old Easter Egger keeping one eye closed and lethargic... what is wrong? I've seperated her, what else should I do? Thanks in advance for your help
  3. rocknchickenfam

    Chick gender has me flip flopping

    This is my first and only black australorp... it is 5 weeks and two days old... it was the slowest to feather and is pretty spunky. It's legs are no thicker than my other chicks and it's comb and wattles are no different also... it always stands tall, but will stand at rest like a
  4. rocknchickenfam

    Just noticed one hen coughing

    When I went out to collect eggs, I heard one of my hens coughing. I am new to the chicken raising and was wondering what steps to take from here and what to watch for or what to do. It is winter time here and averaging 20 degrees during the day and in the teens at night. Thank you kindly!
  5. rocknchickenfam

    Need some advice... don't know what to do!

    All my hens are back to laying and were having pecking issues in the nesting boxes...I posted about it and did what was suggested. All is better but one hen is getting brutalized. It's cold and they are pecking her comb in the nesting boxes, which is creating a blood bath. The feathers are...
  6. rocknchickenfam

    Fighting over nesting boxes! Drawing blood... help!

    I have one hen that is very protective over her nest boxes in particular one box. She has began to draw blood on the chicken's combs and is continuing this behavior which is getting worse. Now pecking one chickens head. There is a lot of blood. I have looked on this site for what to do but...
  7. rocknchickenfam

    What to do!?!

    I need all the help I can get! I am new to chickens, I had a broody hatch out babies 9 weeks ago. She did a GREAT job protecting them and raising them. It was wonderful to watch and she is my nicest hen. I currently have 6 laying hens including the mother. She has begun the weaning...
  8. rocknchickenfam

    Jealous chick...Really?!

    Okay, first batch of chickens, and they are Plymouth rocks 6 weeks old. One of my chicks is very affectionate and loves to be loved.:). Well, every time I give any other chick some attention I get my leg bit, not peck, but holding on until I stop it. Or, she will stare at me and brush up...
  9. rocknchickenfam

    Newbie question, I know, here we go again...

    So, I have six 5 week old Plymouth rocks, different colors. I noticed one of my barred's feathers is some what fluffy, and real fluffy on back behind her tail feathers. Nothing else is different with her, just curious if this is normal or not?
  10. rocknchickenfam

    Newbie seeking help with transfer to outside coop!

    I have six plymouth rock chicks 3.5 weeks old. The weather seems to be perfect timing for them to go to the outside coop. It is going to be 90s during day and 65-70 at night. Would they be okay with or without heat lamp at night? Also, how long do I provide them with food and water in coop...
  11. rocknchickenfam

    New member saying hello from Ohio!

    Love this site! Newbie to six 3 week old Plymouth rocks-2 barred, 2 white rock and 2 partridge. Look forward to talking chicken, this stuff is soooo addicting!:D
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