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  1. newwestchick

    Hair dye in the house with chicks

    Ok so, I want (read desperately NEED) to dye my hair, but I have a brooder and an incubator full of chicks, as well as chicks actively hatching in my house. My place is very small, around 750 sq ft and I'm wondering if I am going to kill all my new chickies if I expose them to that ammonia...
  2. newwestchick

    Humidity question

    If the air cells are on point when you go to lockdown, can humidity ever be too high for a successful hatch?
  3. newwestchick

    Candling day 7!

    I found this awesome video on YouTube showing the differences between developing/quitter/clear eggs on day 7, and thought I should share :) Apologies if it's already up somewhere on the vast and amazing BYC forum!
  4. newwestchick

    How many chicks can a hen cover?

    I currently have 24 eggs in my incubator, and one of my light Sussex pullets has gone very broody. She's been at it a week, so I figured I will move her to the broody pen and see if she keeps it up while I am incubating. If she does, I would like to try and adopt the chicks that hatch to her. I...
  5. newwestchick

    Pullet seems "off", suggestions for head to toe check please

    I have a 10 month old pullet (ameraucana) who has seemed just off for a few days now. She is late to get out of the coop, early to go in, seems just a little dazed. Today I saw her standing out in the rain, beside the rain shelter, alone and not foraging. When I went out to see why she was doing...
  6. newwestchick

    When should I give up on an egg?

    I have a broody who has successfully hatched two of the three eggs under her, one pipped Friday and hatched Saturday, then yesterday morning we had a second appear. The third egg is not pipping or chirping, but she is still sitting on it. I'm wondering how long I should let it go before I take...
  7. newwestchick

    What's the strangest thing your chickens have eaten?

    I saw my girls catch and kil and eat (quite quickly!) a large frog yesterday :/ Good supplemental protein?! :lol:
  8. newwestchick

    First chick hatched!

    My very first broody hatched my very first non-incubator chick today!!! I'm so excited, with all the craziness of the broody kicking out eggs, trashing the nest, and spending half her day wandering around the coop I had very serious doubts we would hatch any. Turns out she knows better than me I...
  9. newwestchick

    Lower mainland BC Canada (Vancouver)

    Hi all! I wanted to start a thread for those of us who live in the more temperate part of BC! Please introduce yourself and tell us about your flock :D We have currently a young group of 22 heritage chicks, Light Sussex, Caramel Queen, Barred Rock and Ameraucana's. We live in New Westminster...
  10. newwestchick

    When life gives you lemons...

    So, I live on the west coast of Canada, and it is WET here, I mean, really wet. It's been raining a few days, and I was feeling bad for my little month old chickies today. Their run has flooded, it's got about 2 inches of water pooling in it. They have a pallet to stand on, and it's covered...
  11. newwestchick

    After work is different these days...

    Babies are growing up!
  12. newwestchick

    Best way to keep my run dry?

    Ok, those of you in the Vancouver BC area please help! Or those who live anywhere that's temperate and really, really, wet :) My run is covered, but my soil is quite boggy and the water table is so high that if you put a shovel into the ground 4 " there is always standing water. 12 months a...
  13. newwestchick

    Feather sexing... Is it possible??

    Ok ok, I know there is much debate about weather feather development can identify which sex a chick is... But I am in a scenario where I think there might be a possibility and I'm wondering if anyone else has a similar experience? I received on Christmas Day, 2 day old chicks in the following...
  14. newwestchick

    Christmas babies!

    Am unexpected surprise from the hatchery - their test hatch yielded enough to fill our order we weren't expecting until the end of January. We have 22 chicks, mixed batch of Light Sussex, Barred Rock, Ameraucana and Caramel Queens. Peep peep! [/IMG][/IMG][/IMG]
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