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  1. ChattyChickens4Life

    Duckling w/ Breathing Difficulty

    We just got two ducklings and they’re about 3 weeks old. This morning we noticed one has been sneezing and her breathing sounds clogged. She’s eating and drinking just fine and still seems very active. We put VetRX in their water and are giving them probiotics. We have chickens, but is there...
  2. ChattyChickens4Life

    Chicken Leg Paralysis

    Please help! We have a 4 year old silkie chicken. She’s been happy and healthy up until today when she lost control of her legs. She can’t stand and keeps falling over. She’s eating and drinking fine, and we gave her a greek yogurt/egg mixture in case she has a vitamin B deficiency. She was...
  3. ChattyChickens4Life

    Two EE Hens For Sale - Georgia

    Hey there! We have a flock of 6 chickens - 4 EEs and 2 Silkies. Recently, we noticed these two Easter Eggers (Chip and Duck) picking on one of the other hens (Muffin) in our flock. It's gotten to a point where we think it is unfair for Muffin to keep getting picked on. They were all hatched and...
  4. ChattyChickens4Life

    Missing Feathers and Not Laying

    We have 6 chickens - 2 Silkies and 4 EEs. We had noticed that all 4 EEs were missing feathers around their vents (some more than others) and also around the base of their tail feathers. Sometimes there was blood, but other than that there didn't seem to be any signs of irritation. We had pretty...
  5. ChattyChickens4Life

    URGENT - Chicken Got Tangled in Fly Trap - Covered in Goop and Bleeding Beak

    Hi everyone. I'm very nervous for my chicken, so I'm going to get straight to the point. We recently hung up those sticky fly trips to try and handle our fly problem down by the coop. For the past 3 days, we haven't had any problems until about 30 minutes ago, my parents and I heard loud...
  6. ChattyChickens4Life

    Pullet Lost Feathers Around Vent - Please Help

    My Easter Egger pullet, Muffin, has lost a bunch of feathers around her vent. The skin isn't red, bleeding, or irritated since I last checked. She is still laying daily and seems active and healthy. She eats and drinks fine, as well as devouring the treats I give her. She is not lowest in the...
  7. ChattyChickens4Life

    HELP! Chicken Making Weird Noises and Struggling to Breath!

    I️ went out to check on my chickens this morning, and I️ heard something very strange. 2 if my chickens were sounding verbally strange. One of them (our most chatty) was trying to chirp but it came out like something was keeping her from making a noise. It was like she was being strangled but...
  8. ChattyChickens4Life

    Laying Soon?

    So I was out with my chickens carrying them around the yard one by one. I was holding one of my EEs, Duck, and I noticed that her earlobes were starting to turn red. I know this is a way to tell what color egg she will lay, and that she is approaching laying time. She is 4 months and 6 days old...
  9. ChattyChickens4Life

    To Heat or Not to Heat-That is the Question

    Hi everyone! Quick question! My mom has been getting very worried lately about our chickens as we are quickly approaching freezing temperatures. I have been telling her that chickens can withstand very cold temperatures without supplemental heating, but she still is apprehensive. Our coop is on...
  10. ChattyChickens4Life

    Gender of 4 EEs and 1 Silkie

    Hi! All of these photos I’m about to show you are of MPC chickens. They were all supposed to be females but now that they are older, I’d like another opinion! They are in their flighty stage, so they arent in love with himan contact right now. They used to love being held and pet, but they are...
  11. ChattyChickens4Life

    Best Food to Add Weight to a Silkie?

    Hi! So I have recently acquired a 5 month old black silkie. We just found out that she was sick, and she is currently being treated with antibiotics. (More on the illness she got here: We also...
  12. ChattyChickens4Life

    Bloody Poop- Coccidiosis? Urgent!

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) Her name is Luna. She is approximately 5 months old. She is a black silkie. I don't know her weight. 2) What is the behavior, exactly. She seems to be eating and drinking fine. She just...
  13. ChattyChickens4Life

    Emergency Crop Problem- Help Needed ASAP!

    Hi everyone! This isn't a problem with one of my chickens, but a problem with the flock of someone I know. This person doesn't have BYC currently, so I am posting for her because she is in a dire situation. So she has a flock of 4 chickens. 2 EEs (One hen, one rooster), 1 RIR, 1 Brahma. She is...
  14. ChattyChickens4Life

    Which Breed is Best for my Flock?

    Hi everyone! I wasn't sure where to post this thread, so I hope this is ok! I'm looking to add one chicken to my flock of 4 EEs and 1 Silkie. My existing chickens are 11 weeks old. They are all very sweet, and get along great. Right now, there is no pecking order established. Does the fact that...
  15. ChattyChickens4Life

    Watery Poop, Squishy Crop That Empties

    Hi guys! I previously posted inquiring about one of my EEs extremely watery poop. (It just soaks into the sand into our run. It looks as if someone spilled water.) This EE and most of my others have squishy crops. I know this can be a sign of sour crop, but their crops empty every night. The EE...
  16. ChattyChickens4Life

    Question On Posting- Help Appreciated! :)

    Hi all! So just a quick question.... I see on many of the people who post on BYC that they have some sort of quote in gray beneath whatever they posted. The quote is always the same too. Where on my profile can I edit this so I have one too! I don't know too much about what all the options on my...
  17. ChattyChickens4Life

    Silkie Won't Roost Please Help!

    I have an 11-week old silkie. She has many roosts in her coop and run. The height of the roosts ranges from about 8 inches to 3 feet high. She is able to get up on the smallest roosts, but she doesn't seem to get up on the other ones. Her four EE sisters are able to, and leave her behind a lot...
  18. ChattyChickens4Life

    Winter Advice

    Hi, all! I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so I put it here! So my flock contains 4 EEs and 1 Silkie. They are 3 months old on Monday. We are coming across winter time, and it can reach below 21 degrees Fahrenheit where I live. None of my chickens like to roost right now. They all snuggle...
  19. ChattyChickens4Life

    Roost Placement Question... Help Please

    Hi, everyone! Quick question... So I have a coop for my 5 chickens (one Silkie, 4 EEs). I will leave the link of my coop below. They still don't like to roost yet so I have some time. So the coop came with two roosts. They were low to the ground, so we moved them up a couple inches higher...
  20. ChattyChickens4Life

    Chickens Went From Loving To Ignoring Me! Please Help!

    Hi everyone! I have a petite flock of 5- almost 3 month year old hens. My flock consists of 4 EEs and one white Silkie. All of my chickens were raised by me from Day 1! Just a couple weeks ago, they were on my lap the second I entered the run. Now, they couldn't care less! They will peck my...
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