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  1. Clucking_Caramel

    Passed an egg, still prolapsed and straining to lay

    Poor mocha prolapsed and is in a lot of pain trying to pass an egg. I did get a deflated egg out of the gorey mess that is her vent, but she is still pushing and I gasping each time
  2. Clucking_Caramel

    Vomiting hen not eating and is weak

    My hen Pearl was eating less and less, so we brought her inside. My stepdad noticed her crop was squishy, and pressed on it to see if she'd throw up. According to him it was A LOT and it was yellow and smelled badly. Then, a sac of orange came out of her mouth like a blob, that splattered on the...
  3. Clucking_Caramel

    I have raised me some egg eaters!

    My flock started eating there own eggs, there was yolk all over their little faces and destroyed egg shells. Now I get 0 eggs and can't tell if they eat them or have stopped laying. I have to buy eggs again! Most recent recovered egg had a peck mark in it. We also had a horrific drought this...
  4. Clucking_Caramel

    Super weak and thin hen won't eat

    My baby girl willow is two years old, has stopped eating and spends all her time in a sleeping position. I have moved her inside and noticed that she is not eating. She is so light weight now that I feel no fat on her and her bones are all I feel. She had some discharge from her nose, but that...
  5. Clucking_Caramel

    Two budgies to a good home

    Hello, I have moved and my room is too small to keep my birds in. Faithful (White female) is 6 years old, and Super Nova (Blue male) is 4 years old. They are comfotable with people, but will not perch on you. They'll come with their cage, feeders, perches, all their toys, and everything else I...
  6. Clucking_Caramel

    (Help Please!) Vomiting lethargic Hen

    Butterscotch vomited a bit today and is very lathargc. I did the 'vomit masage' where you angle the hen down and masage their crop from bottom to top to expel excess fluids. She gagged a bit and did several drinking motions, but barely any fluid came out. I have her in a special single coop pen...
  7. Clucking_Caramel

    3 Young Budgies To a Good Home (Pennsylvania)

    I have 3 budgies - oldest (Amazon) is four and the youngest (Super Nova) is two. I had to move and now have little to no space in my new house and they need more space. You get the cage, perches, toys and food. ((Name key: blue (Male) - Super Nova; green (Male) - Amazon; albino (Female -...
  8. Clucking_Caramel

    How to 'de-broody' a hen? (Second Time This Summer)

    I have a young broody who just turned one in June. She went broody once, I dunked her in water, and she stayed broody for several days. Then her mom got some of her broody squawk and beat her up a bit (Nothing serious - seen much worse) and broke her broodiness. The other day I notice she is at...
  9. Clucking_Caramel

    Rescued Broiler stopped walking

    I have a rescued broiler - Lucky Strikes - and recently she stopped walking. She used to waddle around, but now (Almost a year to her hatching) she began sitting all the time and usually sits on one foot. That foot had a blister that I popped the other day and it was full of puss and blood! I...
  10. Clucking_Caramel

    One year old won't eat or drink

    Pearl barely eats if at all for the past few days. She even stopped eating treats. I checked her abdomen for any hard lumps (eggs) and felt nothing. Her crop isn't swollen or gurgling. I gave her antibiotics yesterday and today her poop is akin to tar. I did put a chicken near her at one point...
  11. Clucking_Caramel

    Hens bullying Cockrel..?

    I hatched two eggs over the spring (And bought six girls). We got one girl and one boy. Recently he started tidbitting, and ALL the older hens would go out of their way to peck him. He would just be standing there, doing nothing, and someone would lower their head and chase him. I was holding...
  12. Clucking_Caramel

    1 Rooster and 3 Budgies Turbotville PA

    I have too many roosters per hen, 3 to 10, so I decided to give away Chubs to a friendly and loving home. He is easy to handle, Energetic, and has a loud crow. He will be two years old in April. Do NOT eat him. (He is the friendliest rooster I have ever seen) My budgies can no longer stay...
  13. Clucking_Caramel

    Giant Hole with Partial Scab

    I have a disabled chicken who cannpt walk. She ended up tearing her mid-section open weveral months ago and I used iodine to repeatedly flush the wound w/ backup antibotics from the vet. Now she has a MASSIVE scab and it can be lifted to show the hole underneath. I want to know why it hasn't...
  14. Clucking_Caramel

    Rooster's Spur Torn Off?

    I have a flogging silkie rooster. We had him outside yesterday while I added chicken wire to the peep pen since they have been escaping (Found them all). I think he cut his legs walking over the chicken wire since I have seen him walk over it and he was bleeding badly. I applied a spray designed...
  15. Clucking_Caramel

    What happens to baby roos?

    I noticed many people hatch their own chicks. The odds should be about 50/50 for Roos vs Hens. Also, do breeders end up selling all of their cockerels as well? My guess is that most of them are culled... If so how do people muster the courage to kill roosters that they have raised? I simply...
  16. Clucking_Caramel

    In my arms you'll be safe from the cold

    Some background info: I have a special needs chicken with malformed legs. Her flock hates her and must live inside. Yesterday I blindly stared at the wall in the bathroom. It had a nice stick on tree plastered to it. I leave and turn towards my room. I open the door and enter. Upon seeing my...
  17. Clucking_Caramel

    Freeranging unsupervised?

    I have a flock of chickens that already ate the grass in their run. I let them graze in my backyard, only when I watch them. Usually it is for an hour or so. I do have two roosters who do protect the hens. I just don't want something eating them!
  18. Clucking_Caramel

    These bad birds need breeds! (Chickens)

    Basically all of my chickens we're random. They are all almost one year old. I'm just gonna put up pics of the ones I am not sure about and hopefully you can help! Mocha. Pullet Vanilla. Pullet Chubs. Cockeral Caramel. Pullet Thank you for your help!:D
  19. Clucking_Caramel

    Tractor Supply Co. Horror Story

    I have been holding this in for a while. In April 2017, I bought my first peeps! Before so, I called and asked "Can you tell hens from roosters?" The man on the phone happily said he could. Upon arrival, I asked for six rhode island reds, one silkie, and two araucanas. I asked for all girls. The...
  20. Clucking_Caramel

    Vanilla hugs!

    I gave Vanilla some cuddles and she crawls on my leg! Later my step dad cradled and rocked her like a peep!
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