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  • Users: justtoni44
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  1. justtoni44

    Candeling questoin?

    I candled at day 10 and 18. Thought I had 5 good ones but on closer inspection saw air cell at both ends?????? What does that mean . Thank You
  2. justtoni44

    candled eggs question

    HI, I candled the eggs at 10 days.all were clear except one. I am trying to figure out what that means....shipped eggs.. no sign of an air sack , Is there a way to know if the were handled badly in shipping or not fertile to start with. oh, Have the one pipping right now... I am just trying to...
  3. justtoni44

    Can there be a late hatch using broody's

    Hi, I offered to hatch shipped eggs for a person.she had eggs. I have broody's. It is day 22 and no action.the hens are still setting.really into it.will not get off the nest ect.. My question is could there be a problem..... I thought day 21 for sure becaue I am using broody's. I also thought...
  4. justtoni44

    Serama eggs for sale

    Hi, I am offering at least 12 eggs and all collected before shipping. These are pet quality from size B parents. I just hate to have these eggs go to waste............... Eggs handled with care before shipping. Ship priority with conformation... Pay pal please,hoping to mail Wendsday Not...
  5. justtoni44

    can use some input ( education)about a broody please

    HI, I have a broody hen,so sweet, a splash Marans. She went broody about 5 days ago and I have meant to move her to privacy...didn't get it done so the other hens are chasing herr off the nest during the day. I pulled the eggs this evening because she was not on them and they were really cold...
  6. justtoni44

    Rooster not know how to help him

    Our main man roo,and the love of our life, is in bad shape. I do not know his age butbelieve he is quite old.' He had been in a petting zoo, then to a home for a period of time?, then to us when the previous owners had to move. We have had him three years. We believe one of our young roosters...
  7. justtoni44

    egg exploded in the incubator

    Well, it finally happened.................I had an egg is hatch day. What on earth could cause this........It blew all over..... I could not see through the eggs when I tried to candle.they are EE'S and very dark. I had checked every egg at lockdown, did not see any cracks or have...
  8. justtoni44

    cannot figure out what I am doing wrong

    Have Serama eggs in the 21 yesterday. Just went through this with another batch.....(last hatch) 6 of the 12 looked full term on day 18.... My temps and humidity have been OK. Maybe I went to low on humidity.35 to 40 days 1 to 18 Of course had sterilized the inc and ran for two days...
  9. justtoni44

    broken hatching eggs made caused a mess. Advise please

    Hi, I recieved hatching eggs this morning.they were packed well but one broke. Of course it has made a mess on the neighboring eggs............ Not sure what to do? Do I dare rinse them off or????????????? Any feedback appreciated.
  10. justtoni44

    worried, chickens ate a poisoned squirrel

    Hi, We put one bite out for rats, then found a few dead ground squirrels in the barn. The squirrels must be eating it. Today the chickens had eaten about half of a dead squirrel.needless to say, I am worried. Does anyone know if the chickens were poisoned from this......... I am certain I will...
  11. justtoni44

    thank goodness for roo's

    I am still upset about this so guess I will post.......... Today, one our young roo's came up on the front porch.yelling like crazy...I went to the door and he seemed frantic. I looked down to the barn and my other three roo's were all but pushing the hens into the barn............. Everyone was...
  12. justtoni44

    Orpington color question?

    HI, I have a lovley 1/2 english blue roo. If I put him with my buffs....what color will I produce.............. Also have a splash 1/2 english Orp roo.but he has red on his wings. I would just like to have a few more Buffs.........but no Buff roo Thank You
  13. justtoni44


    Hi, I am not certain I am posting in the correct thread.couldn't figure it out. So here goes.................... I know that to clear my hens out for breeding I should seperate them for three weeks. What I do not know is, when I put the rooster long will the eggs be fertile if I...
  14. justtoni44

    OK to change from hand turning to automatic turner?

    Hi, I have eggs in the incubater that I have been hand turning,(on thier side). Is there any reason I cannot change them to an automatic turner. They have been in for 1 week I read somewhere not to but did not make sense to me. Thank You
  15. justtoni44

    eggs watery.yolks breaking?

    HI, Hope I am in the right thread. I cannot figure out why some of our eggs are watery and the yollks old store bought eggs. These are super fresh.we pick up three times a day. Our feed is a really great 16% layer...get it from a local is always fresh. We feed extra veggies...
  16. justtoni44

    hand warmers for power outages

    Lost power yesterday....but not for long...............reminded me why I had told myself " NO WINTER HATCHES" But couldn't stand it and have one bator full and more eggs coming this week. Has anyone had experience with using hand warmers for such emergencies????? I cannot think of a reason not...
  17. justtoni44

    You are not going to believe this !

    I am emarrassed to even tell the story because I messed up so badly. I set eggs................. In my defense, I became very ill and was pretty much out of it for a few weeks I checked the inc about three times a morning the temp jumped to 109.......did not think it had been for...
  18. justtoni44

    can I calibrate the thermometer? Help please

    Hi,'I am trying to get my inc. set for eggs.they really need to be in there. I have three , a little round reptile type, one that came with the incubater and one digital. All read different.grrrrrrrrr Digital 97,round 92, original bulb type 100... and the two hydrometers are...
  19. justtoni44

    wyandotte comb question?

    Think I may have been smucked. I purchased what was suppose to be 2 SLW 3 1/2 month old chicks. I was told they were from show stock...........qnd a lot of other glowing things. They are 4 1/2 months now and the same size as my 6 week old BCM's. I have three SLW layer hens and wanted to purchase...
  20. justtoni44

    will Sevin affect the eggs

    Hi I am going to treat my flock for lice tommorrow. Is there a period of time when the eggs should not be used. I sell some and donate to the food bank. Also, have three broodies sitting on eggs.thinking I should wait to treat them till..."I don't know when?"....They are not showing signs but...
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