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  1. L

    Turkey eggs mixed and pure 6+ includes shipping

    I have some fence jumpers so I cannot say they are all pure I have Bourbons, Royal Palms and Midget Whites I have a few MW hens that like the Palm pen and I have a Bourbon hen who likes my Blue Pencilled Palm tom. I have put up netting to put an end to all the fence hopping so probably 10 days...
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    Sportsman temperature question

    There seems to be 2 degree temperature difference from the top to the bottom shelf this unit has the wafer so are there any tricks or tips or just try and get the middle shelf @ 99.5.....
  3. L

    Help with getting my Turkeys ready to show

    Okay they are going to finish molting in time to enter them in the closest poultry show......they are spoiled and well fed they have been on Mazuri feed and I've added avian charge to the water and now I am going to work on the cage training. The show is in 3 weeks and I've found a "victim" to...
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    BYC will not let me load any pictures tonight>>>>

    It keeps saying it's waiting for BYC..I use firefox and I never have problems loading photos until tonight
  5. L

    5 Bourbon Red Turkey eggs and 1 Royal Palm Turkey egg

    I have these extra eggs that don't fit into my incubator right now I ship in the foam and my shipping includes delivery confirmation my PayPal is [email protected] I will send them out ASAP after I receive payment. Thank you for looking
  6. L

    6 Midget White Turkey eggs

    This is for 6 eggs total these will be packed in the foam shippers delivery includes tracking. These are young birds hatched in late April of 2010 and are good eating and wonderful pets they love treats and carefully take them from me. I raised mine up with chickens and they all got along fine...
  7. L

    6 Midget White Turkey eggs

    This is for 6 eggs total these will be packed in the foam shippers delivery includes tracking. I'm getting enough to ship twice a week so please just PM me. I prefer PayPal but will do USPS money orders. The last batch I put in the incubator were all good and I've been getting 80% hatch rate...
  8. L

    6 Midget White Turkey eggs

    This is for 6 eggs total these will be packed in the foam shippers delivery includes tracking. I'm getting enough to ship twice a week so please just PM me. I prefer PayPal but will do USPS money orders. The last batch I put in the incubator were all good and I've been getting 80% hatch rate...
  9. L

    West Coast Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas

    I'm looking for some for the Easter hatch along or anytime if there is a waiting list...PM me if you have some available Denny
  10. L

    Christmas dinner

    Just finished up our dinner bird @ 8 months Live weight 19.10 dressed 14.6 and I was thinking he needed corn for fat wow he had plenty. This is a Midget White my first one I butchered and I'm impressed with the room for dressing and nice plump bird. We were doing the deed Sunday but have gotten...
  11. L

    Trying Ultra Kibble vrs Mazuri game bird breeder

    Well I ordered some online and I'm starting my own trial....they look very much the same and I'm using the Mazuri only on the MW turkeys. The Ultra Kibble with the other turkeys and the chickens I have 1 pen I will stay feeding my regular way. Right away less mess though it has taken the birds a...
  12. L

    Got my first Midget White egg today

    This hen has been squatting for me for 2 weeks today she gave me an egg she's 23 or 24 weeks old what a good girl now if the young jake has a clue that I don't know I never seen any hanky panky going on they are all the same age.....I was hoping so I'll see how many I get in a week and try them...
  13. L

    Auburn hens cossed with ?

    I have some nice Auburn hens and no Jake to go with them and I didn't want to raise anymore turkeys than what I already have...I have Royal Palms, Midget Whites and Bourbons who should I cross these hens with to raise up some nice eating ones?
  14. L

    Why on earth would a hen do this?

    She picks at my rooster's neck feathers going to make him look like a naked neck and he just lets her pick his feathers...they have plenty of turn out and a big run and have lots to eat not low in protein 18 to 20% I throw out a flake of alfalfa for them to have extra green as I have no grass...
  15. L

    Split peas

    Wow my birds love them and the turkeys too so just what is the protein % So I'm feeding sprouted wheat ,oats and BOSS kinda like 6 parts wheat 2 parts oats 1 part BOSS I mixed peas in with their mash that's 17% and I treat with a Rooster mix of whole grains that is 17% I'm waiting for my...
  16. L

    What's up with my pullet

    She's a new layer and had a few soft eggs I noticed today she's not up to her regular self and has some gobby gunk hanging out might be another partial soft egg but it looks like it has "old blood" the brownish looking stuff in the goopy stuff not poop....her comb isn't pale and she eats and...
  17. L

    grrrr ground squirrels

    Other than sitting out by my coops and shooting them there isn't much I can do the hawks catch as many as possible this is just a bad year for them here..they are covered with "stick-tights" itty bitty fleas that stick like ticks. I always use frontline on all the dogs because they are Jack...
  18. L

    Types of peas at the Mill Help me out

    There are Canadian peas, Austrian peas, yellow peas and split peas now I'm sprouting so split peas are out what about the others...I know I could feed the split peas would probably need to grind them.....I just asked for field peas....the split peas are pricey but the others run about 15.00 a 100#
  19. L

    Ground squirrels

    Other than sitting outside and shooting them..they tunnel in thru the bank and crawl through the wire in very small spaces. My wintertime plan is to install concrete block when the dirt is softer from rain and use hardware cloth but my DH says that they will always get into the run and therefore...
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    Midget Whites

    I have their wings on one side clipped but they are good at getting out about as good as the Bourbons am I dreaming that during the day they will stay in a 5ft fence? I've just moved them to their new digs so I will not be letting them out for a week. The new house is a dog pen covered and I've...
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