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  1. RooandherRooster

    I think my Cochin Bantam Hen broke her leg, how do I fix it?

    Hey everybody! I think I'm just having a round of bad luck this month in relation to my chickens, ahh. Okay, so my cochin bantam went broody (actually if anyone knows this kind very well, I don't know exactly what she is and i would like to know, if no one who answers this forum knows, then i...
  2. RooandherRooster

    My hen' beak got chewed off and her face is SUPER swollen, how can I help with the inflammation?

    Hi everyone, I need help. So last night around 11, I heard my birds squawking so I went and turned on the outside light. Didn't see anything, I hoped the light would scare away anything that might have been there, and I went back to bed. So much for dogs, they didn't even lift their heads...
  3. RooandherRooster

    Two of my hens keep shaking their heads, what is this a sign of?

    Hey everyone One of my hens just got over from being egg bound, she had everything she needed but we figure its because she is getting old. The other one was egg bound about a month ago too. They are both about 3 going on 4, and Red Sex-Links. Both were fine until today. I was keeping an extra...
  4. RooandherRooster

    Is it normal for chickens to defecate intestinal lining in almost every poop?

    Hi everyone! So I got some new, Barred Plymouth Rocks from an auction. There is two black sex-link barred rock mix roosters. The younger one poops a LOT of intestinal lining, is it okay that he poops so much? I'm not sure who all else is laying a lot but he caught my attention. Any help would be...
  5. RooandherRooster

    I was supposed to be getting Barred Plymouth Rocks. I got the girls, but what is this beauty?

    Hey everyone! I had a friend pick me up some Barred Plymouth Rock hens and a rooster from an auction. Well she got them, but the rooster has got to be mixed with something else. He is VERY handsome, but I don't know what he is. I want to have my broody chickens have babies, but I want to have...
  6. RooandherRooster

    I've had a Handicapped Duck for over 4 months. What do I do now?

    Hi everyone! Long story short, I have had a duck since 1 day old that was born with a situation. She seemed to be off balance and got only her, they didn't think she would live. Well she began leaning to the left at about 2 weeks old. We had to be there for her to eat and drink and we got her...
  7. RooandherRooster

    How do I keep my own Broiler Chicken Flock through breeding?

    Hi everybody! My family is starting to get into raising our own birds for the meat, but we are going to have to buy them every time and I was hoping there was a way to slow down their growth long enough to hatch chicks. Or if that would even give me the Cornish Rock birds we need for meat. But I...
  8. RooandherRooster

    Stunted growth and loss of feathers in 2/3 week old chicks. What do I do for them?

    Hey everyone! I recently got 3 lavender orpington chicks. I believe they were from chickens from an auction, at a friend's house. I think they're 2 or 3 weeks old, but we just got them and they were like this so we're trying to nurse them back to health. Anyways, I think they have Aspergillosis...
  9. RooandherRooster

    Introducing me and my chickens

    Hi everyone! Whenever I've needed any answers, BackYard Chickens has always been my go-to. I've had chickens before when I was younger, but I just got back into it about 4 years ago. I take care in what I do, especially my chickens and other animals. When we got chicks, we got 6 RIR and I...
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