Introducing me and my chickens


Jul 25, 2019
Hi everyone!
Whenever I've needed any answers, BackYard Chickens has always been my go-to. I've had chickens before when I was younger, but I just got back into it about 4 years ago. I take care in what I do, especially my chickens and other animals. When we got chicks, we got 6 RIR and I believe 12 Red-Sex Link. 4 years later, only 5 of the original ones remain. Last year in the beginning of March, we got 12 Black-Sex Links, 6 Silver Laced Wyandottes, and 1 RIR. All of them are good and well except one, who we sadly lost to egg bound/prolapse due to a deformity found when she tried to lay her first egg. Last Saturday, we bought some more chickens, hoping to expand our flock more. We had a friend pick us up some Barred Plymouth Rocks from an auction. We now have 1 beautiful rooster who seems to be mixed with something else, probably 8 months old. We also have 1 pullet, 3 hens, and 1 who i believe is a young roo. We were able to get 4 bantam cochin of some type-I believe 2 speckled sussex hens, 1 speckled sussex roo, and a black-sex link bantam cochin if that's even a thing. I also have a young pullet who was at an auction roughly 3 weeks ago maybe, and was sold as a lavender orpington, though clearly not. I think she is a Blue Copper Maran, if not she might be an Olive Egger, Blue Andalusian, or Sapphire Gem. I will just wait and see what color eggs she will lay, hopefully she is a she and not a he. I think she is a little under 8 weeks. The bantams and rocks are under "quarantine" from my original flock whom i did join together about 6 months ago. I got 3 young lavender orpingtons, that so far seem to be true to that, who are maybe 2-3 weeks old and are a little sickly but we are nursing them to health and they are doing much better! I also have a 18 week old handicapped duck, 5 goats, 4 rabbits, cats, and dogs.
Sorry this is a pretty long message. Thank you!
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So happy you've joined us! That's quite a flock you have. No roosters allowed?
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frowGlad you joined.
You have quite the flock there. Are you concerned about all the cockerels and roosters?
Thank you! Yes it is. Well I was doing some research and apparently you can keep roosters together rather peacefully if you have 10 or more hens per rooster and plenty of room. Which I'm good on those, I'll have 21 hens so 10 hens for 1, 11 for the other or so. And there are some favorite breeds which work together better I guess and the barred plymouth rocks are a favorite. And I don't think they were raised together but one is older than the other by several months. I will be keeping my bantams separate, and doing them for 4-H hopefully. This link is where I kinda checked off the list:)
What a nice little group of critters you've got! And you seem very responsible and taking good care of them, that's wonderful. My daughter is your age and she isn't allowed on the internet because she is evil. Keep an eye on your young rooster, they become a handful when fullgrown around a year old lol. Mine always do anyways:gig
What a nice little group of critters you've got! And you seem very responsible and taking good care of them, that's wonderful. My daughter is your age and she isn't allowed on the internet because she is evil. Keep an eye on your young rooster, they become a handful when fullgrown around a year old lol. Mine always do anyways:gig
Yes yes, will do:D

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