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  • Users: sharol
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  1. sharol

    gender of blue/copper marans chick

    This chick was just over 7 weeks old when the pictures were taken. (S)he is not a hatchery chick. The eggs came from an established breeder. This picture is of the above chick with his/her hatchmates. It is the blurry one to the left in the rear. This is only for a size comparison (it...
  2. sharol

    Newly hatched chick's comb

    This chick is about 1 hour old, and get a load of the comb. He? is a black copper marans from an egg the color of the one he? is leaning on. None of his 3 siblings have prominent combs. Does this indicate for certain that he? is a male? I know it is way too early to sex this chick, but good...
  3. sharol

    ivermectin, wazine, and heat

    I posted this to my state group, but I need an answer, and I figured this was a better place to ask: 2 1/2 weeks ago I used Wazine to worm my chickens. I intended to do a followup with Ivermectin tonight, but it is so hot (100 degrees today and probably most of the rest of the week) I hate to...
  4. sharol

    white spots on comb

    My EE (Hermione) has white spots on her comb that look like little seeds. I thought it might be lice (lots of wild birds around), but whatever it is is really stuck down. My fingernail couldn't dislodge one of them. There are no signs of parasites around her vent or under her wings. Anybody...
  5. sharol

    Dead hen, no symptoms

    Last night when I put the chickens in for the evening, I found my almost 2 year old GLW dead in the corner of the straw shelter in the run. There were no injuries, no signs of parasites, and she seemed to be a good weight with no sign that she was eggbound. She looked quite healthy except she...
  6. sharol

    number of nest boxes help

    I have been searching and reading threads for 2 hours, and I give up. I will have 11 hens laying in a few weeks (6 layers now with 5 18 week old coming on. I have 3 12x12x12 nest boxes that the older girls use for laying. One hen sometimes lays on the floor (or just about anywhere she happens...
  7. sharol

    Bumblefoot process

    Last week I found bumblefoot in my flock. I have 6 adult hens, and 3 of them had the telltale scabs. One had swollen feet and that is why I started checking feet. A second bird had one foot with a pretty large scab (not sure it is really a scab, it looked almost translucent) and a small one...
  8. sharol

    measuring tricide-neo

    I have been searching for 3 hours, and I can't find a post I saw a few days ago, so I'll ask. I am going to use tricide-neo for bumblefoot in 2 of my chickens. I bought the 5 gallon package, but I only want to mix a half gallon at a time. Has anyone figured out how much (in teaspoons or...
  9. sharol

    reassurance on integrating new chickens into existing flock.

    I have 6 one year old hens (GLW, EE, 2 Delawares, Welsumer, and Golden Campine (the head hen)). 2 are molting. I also have 5 16 week olds (4 ee's and a BO). At this point they are in separate coops, but they free range in the same yard all day. I am seeing some bullying, but nothing too...
  10. sharol

    picking following minor injury

    About 6 weeks ago, my little dog got hold of my EE and took off some feathers around her neck. No wound or bleeding, just lost feathers. They appeared to be broken off not pulled out. She was completely freaked out, but not injured and has continued to lay regularly. A couple of the other...
  11. sharol

    Heat article from Chooks Chicks

    I found this article in an article about chickens in Kansas City, She has some great ideas for keeping the girls cool.
  12. sharol

    nest box input needed

    My DH sent me this picture of some nest boxes at the local farm store. The materials are flimsy, and they cost way too much, but what do you think of the design? He says they are about 12"x12"x12" deep. Not going to buy them (maybe copy the design depending on what you all say), but I need to...
  13. sharol

    insulation advice needed

    This is a view of the inside of my girls' coop. They have been in it since October, and last winter was brutal. I really need to insulate the single steel panel sides. As you can see there are 2x4 supporting structures that as of now I'm using to support the roosts and a (not shown) feeding...
  14. sharol

    another EE gender question

    These pictures are of Hermoine (who may just be a Harry). I realized to day that she had a triple row of bumps (maybe, can't really tell for sure) on her comb. Input anyone? She is 6 weeks old tomorrow. SHE SHE SHE.
  15. sharol

    iffy EE (at 6 weeks)

    This is my Nameless chick. I haven't been able to name her (sold as a pullet) because s(he) has always acted a bit rooish (is that a word). S(he) always carries her/his tail very upright, but then so did my pure white EE pullet that lays wonderful green/blue eggs. Does anyone have any...
  16. sharol

    My partridge rock pullet, Misty, is dying - Update 6/30

    edited for date Misty has always had laying problems. She lays 2 softshelled eggs from the roost followed by a huge double yolker about every 2 weeks. I don't think she has ever laid a normal egg. Over the last few days, she has become more and more lethargic. She is the bottom chicken in...
  17. sharol

    dust bath question

    I am building a dust bath (cookie sheet size) for my week olds. Last year I just used dirt from the flower garden, but this year, I don't have any dirt that my year olds haven't been scratching (and pooping) in. Do I need to do anything to sterilize the dirt? The babies are on medicated feed...
  18. sharol

    6 days old and roosting already

    I bought my EE's and a Buff Orp on Wednesday. They were hatched on Monday. Yesterday I put a little roost in the brooder (it is about 4" off the ground). These are the girls. The Buff is on the left side. I just went out to the brooder (they were awfully quiet). It was nap time, and my...
  19. sharol

    4 EE's and a Buff Orp -- Pictures

    I got these girls yesterday. They were hatched on the 2nd. First, the Buff Orp: Easter Egger 1: The picture shows lighter legs than the actual chick. Her legs are actually tannish with a hint of green. Get a load of the wings ALREADY!! she also has a reddish spot on her head the shape...
  20. sharol

    marek's vaccine for new chicks?

    I have 7, 10 month old pullets -- all were vaccinated upon hatch before shipping (I ordered them from MPC). I want to get 5 more chicks. The store I want to buy them from says they were "probably not vaccinated" at the hatchery, but they aren't sure. Is it safe for the babies to add them to...
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