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  • Users: -Shade-
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  1. -Shade-


    I gave my ducklings a warm bath today and while taking them out after about 10 minutes started drying them. Two of them began moving their heads as if dizzy and then began floundering One of them kept falling straight down with her legs stiff back and the other started rolling around The one...
  2. -Shade-

    I found something odd in my nest box- could this be fatal?

    Tonight when I was closing up my hens, I found a strange... object inside one of the nest boxes of my portable coop. It was about the size of an egg yoke but was pinkish and fleshy-looking in color. It sort of had a shape like a large uncapped acorn. There was a small vein-like cord shriveled...
  3. -Shade-

    EMERGENCY: Older hen pale and unresponsive.

    I have a hen that was given to me by a friend because she was a wanderer and always getting into trouble. We allowed her to live with us because we have a free ranch farm and she would be more in her environment. That was about 2 years ago, and now, she is probably around 6-8 years old. She has...
  4. -Shade-

    Favorite Of Feathers and Flames Characters (WoF AU RP)

    This is for the Of Feathers and Flames Wing of Fire AU Roleplay. If anyone is interested in reading or checking out the characters, I will link the official thread and the archives, otherwise, this is mostly just for the Roleplayers in the story. I am going to add all of the characters that...
  5. -Shade-


    I had a batch of chicks that hatched last night and this morning. One of the smaller ones I just noticed hs a very large, bloody glob stuck to her umbilical cords. There are splatters of blood and yoke all over the bottom of the incubator and when she gets stuck upside down, she can't get up...
  6. -Shade-

    Wings of Fire Roleplay Discussion/Club Thread

    Okay, I have been wanting to do this for a long time. It's just an idea that came to my mind a few days ago. I was thinking that we could get all the WoF RPers on the site together and talk about RPs we've done or plan to do and share stories from them. It will also be helpful in the future if...
  7. -Shade-

    Chick Randomly died while zipping--what happened?!

    I have two eggs left in my most recent hatch that have pipped. Last night, while I was asleep, one of them must have begun zipping. But when I got out of bed and checked on it, it didn't seem to be moving, as zipping chicks usually are. I waited a while before taking it out of the incubator. It...
  8. -Shade-


    I am on day 24 and there is one egg left that has not hatched yet. I candled it a couple of times and it looked like it was in the air cell, but since it wasn't hatching, I made a safety hole early on day 23. This morning, my mom decided that she should have hatched by now, and took the egg out...
  9. -Shade-

    Chick Hatched--Blood bulge around the disconnect of the umbilical cord

    I have been hatching chicks for at least a week now, through scattered hatch dates. Today I had three chicks hatch fine and 2 more are pipped. But when I looked closely at the third I noticed it has a little bit of a blood bulge around the area where the umbilical cord disconnected. I think I...
  10. -Shade-

    Hatching (Potential) Crossbeak chick--Correctable?

    I am hatching a new batch of easter eggers from a batch of girls I've had for a few years. Just this morning, the first egg pipped and I am very excited for this year's hatch to start. But when I looked closer at the pip a few hours later I could see the beak a little better. It looks like it...
  11. -Shade-

    Several week-old chick ate paint

    Yes I know it sounds careless and dumb and IMPOSSIBLE but my little sister somehow got art paint somewhere that a chick could get to. She is a scissor beak though and I doubt she managed to get too much of it down her throat, but I am still worried. I tried to clean as much of the paint off of...
  12. -Shade-

    Overdue chick--Should I help her?

    We have another batch of turkeys hatching right now. There were 8 eggs at the start. One was not fertile, 1 died around day 7, 2 are mysteries that we think one might have died a few days before lockdown or was never fertile, and the other was moving before but has stopped and we are afraid...
  13. -Shade-

    I need some advice about a hen. Is she okay?

    I have a Buff Orpington named Goldie. She isn't very old and she lays eggs every day. The past couple of days I noticed she has been laying down a lot--both outside and in the coop. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with her though. Her comb and waddles are a normal color, her poop is...
  14. -Shade-


  15. -Shade-

    HELP. Maran chick with developed issues.

    So just yesterday I posted a thread about a Maran egg I was worried about hatching. I woke up this morning and it was out of the egg. But there are several problems that have arisen with that newly hatched. My first observation was that even after she (I don't actually know if it is a she but I...
  16. -Shade-

    Cheeping egg, no pip. Is the shell to thick?

    I have a Maran egg that is in my incubator right now. We had lost track of the days before lockdown, but today when we checked it, the chick was cheeping inside the egg and we can feel it moving, but it hasn't pipped. We just had a chick die inside the egg, although we are not sure why. The hen...
  17. -Shade-

    EMERGENCY! HELP! Chicken with bloody vent.

    One of my chickens has a very bloody vent. A couple of weeks ago I had a chicken from the same coop have a blowout, and she died. This chicken--her name is Duds-- has been laying bloody eggs the past several days, and nothing I did seemed to be helping. She now has what looks like a blood clot...
  18. -Shade-

    Egg-bound hen--Help!

    So I have a chicken that I noticed a few days ago was moving a little sluggish. She was acting overall normal, only a little slow. Today I went out to check on my hens while they were getting up in bed. And I opened the door just in time to see her attempt and fail to jump up on the roost. I...
  19. -Shade-

    Scattered hatch date--can't stop turning eggs

    So a while ago I posted a thread about 6 eggs that I took from a broody hen that I didn't trust. OF the 6, 5 were fertile and they are all doing well. But my family decided that since we are using such a huge incubator, they wanted to add 12 more eggs. And then 3 more. And then 7 turkeys eggs...
  20. -Shade-

    Are these eggs alright? Help!

    So just a little while ago we had a hen that decided to go broody. She is one of three of our hens who always want to be broody. So we let her have 7 eggs. Around day 1 or 2 she got off the eggs and moved to another box. I don't know how long she was off them, but it wasn't that long because it...
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