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  1. tessandherducks

    Duck loosing all flight feathers

    My one-year-old Muscovy duck has recently been losing all her flight feathers. It's strange because she's only losing feathers from her wings and not anywhere else on her body So I don’t think she is molting. None of my other ducks are experiencing this issue. Is this a normal thing that...
  2. tessandherducks

    Underweight duck

    Hi all, I have a almost 1 year old (born last September)female Muscovy sitting on 15 eggs at the moment and when I went to check on her I felt she was very skinny ( her keel bone is very prominent compared to my other Muscovites ) I have also noticed her poos are very runny and smelly. I have...
  3. tessandherducks

    Duck Coop ideas

    Hello, everyone!I am going to get 2 more Muscovy ducks in the next few weeks to add to my little gang, and I want to make a larger full-time enclosure than the one they currently have.If anyone has a large duck coop, I would love it if you could upload some photos of your duck coops as...
  4. tessandherducks

    Thin egg

    Hello everyone, one of my ducks layed her first egg 6 days ago and today she has layed one that the shell was pepper thin and had split in half. Is this normal since it’s her 4th egg or is she low in calcium? I Ny sujestions will help!
  5. tessandherducks

    My duck has bumble foot!

    Hi all, I noticed today that one of my girls has bumble foot. I have ordered Epsom salts, triple antibiotics ointment and vet wrap which will be arriving in the next few days. I was just wondering weather she can still be outside with the vet wrap? She is my most playful duck and loves being...
  6. tessandherducks

    Chip on duck beak

    one of my lovely girls has a chip on her beak, she isn’t in pain when I touch it. Should I leave it Alone or apply something to it? the chip is at the tip of the beak
  7. tessandherducks

    Duck not eating or moving!

    Hi, one of my ducks has stopped eating and dosn‘t move that much just standing still all day, usually he will run away when I go close to him but is unfazed now and I can pick him up. He is drinking but not swimming which usually he loves to. What should I do? If he is still like this i will...
  8. tessandherducks

    Ducks standing weird

    Hi all, sorry to post on here again :) 2 of my muscovies seem to be standing in a weird position with their tail touching the floor and their head tucked in as if they are trying to give them self a double chin. I love them so much and just worry about anything that doesn’t seem normal here...
  9. tessandherducks

    Muscovy ducks becoming friends

    Hi all, in the summer I brought six Muscovy duck eggs of eBay and brought an incubator, 35 days later we had 2 lovely ducklings, unfortunately not to long after one of the duckling (pancake) died and I’m not sure what of : (. Anyway this left a lonely other duckling called puddles, to insure...
  10. tessandherducks

    Is this normal duck Poo?

    Hi, my now 13 week old Muscovy duck has started pooing in a different colour then he used to a few days ago, is this normal or should I be concerned?
  11. tessandherducks

    New duckling biting other

    Hi, so about a week and a bit ago, 1 out of my 6 duck eggs hatched and so today I got him a friend who is only 1 day younger. when introducing them I put them in the dark for 1.30 hours , as this is what I was told to do of the lady I got her from. now that they are in light my original duckling...
  12. tessandherducks

    10-week-old duck shivering after a swim

    Hi, one of my 10-week-old ducks seems to be shivering after going for a swim in my pond ( being supervised ), and when he gets out he seems to be shivering and seems to stay wet for quite a while after swimming, I am really worried that his oils aren't working properly. If anyone can help or has...
  13. tessandherducks

    Duck egg

    Hi all, I am hatching ducklings and the first duckling started unzipping yesterday and stopped, it’s 6 hours later and so I made the hole bigger. He is not ready to come out yet as I can see what I think is the yolk. But his eyes are glued shut from the membrane and I get worried he is going to...
  14. tessandherducks

    Duck poo

    Hi, one of my 9 week old Muscovy ducklings has strange poo which I only noticed this morning, does anyone have any advise or suggestions on why it looks like this, or is this normal?
  15. tessandherducks

    Blood in duck wee

    Hi, wondering if anyone can help. I have just realised that my nearly 6 week old duckling has blood in his/her wee. I have also fed him strawberries so don’t know weather it is just that, if anyone can offer any advise please do as I am so worried about him/her thanks Xx
  16. tessandherducks

    lump on ducklings back

    Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone could help? one of my ducklings has a lump on his/her back, it almost looks like some feathers coming through but got clumped together and cant grow or something, here are a few pics and a video if anyone knows what it is or if there is anything I need to...
  17. tessandherducks

    lump on duckling belly

    Hi, it's my first time hatching ducks and 2/6 have hatched which isn't too bad for eBay shipped eggs, they both have a very small lump on their belly, in the same place where the egg yolk would be ( I think ) but I am sure it is not the egg yolk as it has no veins in it and looks dried up. just...
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