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  1. pawprint2104

    Necropsy of my beloved hen "Kennedy"

    My favorite young hen was ill for the past year. UC Davis did a necropsy on her. She died two days ago. I need some medical advice so that I can understand what the report states. Does anyone know what the following information mean? I have 4 other hens which are all fine. The preliminary...
  2. pawprint2104

    ISA Brown battery hens need rescue near Vacaville

    I did a little research on these ISA Brown hens. They're very interesting. And, at their age, they should be great egg laying hens for about two more years. After that, they seem to live very short lives, typically not more that 5 years. They love people, yet are intolerant of new birds...
  3. pawprint2104

    Introducing 2 chicks to 2 adult hens

    Welllll, I tried the late night introduction into the hen house, which didn't work. The most dominant chick (a Delaware) of the 2 fidgeted around which irritated my big, low-on-the-pecking-order hen. Whereas, my submissive black Australorp quickly bedded down beside (but, not under) my...
  4. pawprint2104

    Mouth breathing & walking like a penguin

    Help. Are there any BYC'ers in the Pinole/Hercules area that would be willing to examine my chook and give me some advice about her? I kinda thought she was egg bound, but she doesn't fit all the symptoms. She is definitely heavy in the back end. I palpated her and compared her to her...
  5. pawprint2104

    maggots on my chicken

    Help! I just checked my Easter egger and found her back side crawling with maggots. What do I do? OMG!
  6. pawprint2104

    Chicken Grooming

    I observed my "top o' the ladder" RIR ("Buffy") being tended to by the other two (RIR and EE). When I say "being tended to", I saw "Buffy" as she stood in front of the reflective sliding glass door while the others delicately picked the remnants of poo from her fluffy butt. "Buffy" seemed to...
  7. pawprint2104

    Aggressive roosters: Problems and solutions

    I read the post "Rooster Attack, need advice" and discovered a bunch of wisdom about how to deal with aggressive birds. Biochick posted...I set him up the first day, I carried the bottle under my arm kind of hidden(I want him to think it comes from me not the bottle). When he got to close I let...
  8. pawprint2104

    EE laid a really big egg today!

    Zena popped out a big 'un today! She didn't lay yesterday, which isn't uncommon. She is still working out her plumbing, and this was her 24th egg. But, boy oh boy, was I surprised to find that thing in the nesting box! I, simply, love that silly chicken. She's sweet, friendly and never...
  9. pawprint2104

    Help with yolk-coated-egg from new layer.

    My 3 young hens (two Rhodies and one EE) started laying within the last 3 weeks. We've collected 18 eggs so far. Hubby reported a squishy egg in an unusual place (the doormat) a week ago. Since then, all has been fine. Tonight (California time), my EE ("Zena") laid a yolk (only yolk) on a...
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