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  1. Darklingstorm

    My little Half n' Half

    I just had show my little pullet off. I got her from MyPetChicken and she is a Red Sex-link. She is around 5 weeks old. Her name is Half n' Half
  2. Darklingstorm

    I never knew exactly...

    I never knew exactly how much I would miss my chickens till they were gone. I miss their squawks when I come outside in the morning, their screams of joy when the food comes. I miss watching my son's excitement whenever he finds a worm and gives it to them. I miss watching the chickens roll and...
  3. Darklingstorm

    Need a teacher for processing

    Don't know where to post this: I'm looking for someone to teach me how to process a chicken "hands on" or if you know of a processor near Durant, OK. I've already read several books, watched many videos and tried once with an aggressive rooster, it didn't go well at all. I need someone who can...
  4. Darklingstorm

    Processing a chicken

    Don't know where to post this: I'm looking for someone to teach me how to process a chicken "hands on" or if you know of a processor near Durant, OK. I've already read several books, watched many videos and tried once with an aggressive rooster, it didn't go well at all. I need someone who can...
  5. Darklingstorm

    Really, you want how much?!

    So I decided I really want to raise Orpingtons but I didn't want hatchery blood line. So I got to looking for a breeder. I found 2. #1 Sells eggs only via the mail or chicks by pick up only (they live WAY to far for me to drive). I don't have an incubator and really don't want one. I was hoping...
  6. Darklingstorm

    Very Happy with my free chicken

    I live in town but it still a farming town (tho quickly becoming more). So a couple of weeks ago a neighbor comes up and asks if I'm missing a chicken. I said no but she said it was a red so I figured it must be my other neighbor who has production reds. So I go and capture her and placed her in...
  7. Darklingstorm

    Chicken won't eat the feed

    My flock is on the recovering end of Fowl Pox. They all did really good and no loses. Now one of Production Reds (1.6 years old) is not eating the Layena feed. I see her scratching around and pecking on the ground but when I put feed out she just ignores it. When I captured her and stuck her in...
  8. Darklingstorm

    Darn Blasted Leghorn...Use the nest!!!!

    I have an old duck hut that I'm going to turn into a rooster hut next year. This hut is 3 x 3 and 4' tall. Last week I went to inspect the hut and opened up the top, well I didn't think to close it. A few days go by and as I was cleaning up the yard I threw some wire scraps I found into the...
  9. Darklingstorm

    Need your help, is it Fow pox or Mosquitoes

    All my chickens have started showing these places on their combs, wattles, ear lobes, around the mouth and eyes. But here is the kicker, these spots are only on the exposed parts not the undersides, like the inside of the wattles (the places in between the wattles). That are no marks on the...
  10. Darklingstorm

    OMG it worked! Chased the mosquitoes away

    Every morning I go to feed the chickens and check for eggs. There is a fan blowing in the coop so the mosquitoes aren't so bad in there but the nest boxes don't get any of the direct wind. So every morning I would open the nest boxes to be swarmed by at least 10 to 20 mosquitoes. I searched...
  11. Darklingstorm

    Can you help me decide...Orp or PR?

    I live in Oklahoma and last year it hit 120 degrees. I didn't lose any chickens but it was a rough one to keep them all healthy and producing. Next year I'm planning on starting a totally new flock of a pure breed only. The last two years has been my testing ground. I built a coop and got...
  12. Darklingstorm

    OK to sell chickens after Fowl Pox?

    So my flock has apparently come down with fowl pox. I searched the web and found pictures of it and they look exactly like it. I went to the vet today and told him what I had. Now this vet is the only one that will deal with chickens in this area but I wouldn't call him an expert either. He did...
  13. Darklingstorm

    Fowl Pox eggs, edible?

    are the eggs from chickens with fowl pox edible?
  14. Darklingstorm


    My oldest hens of 1.5 years old have started to lay smaller eggs then normal. I though it was just the stress of heat. But today I noticed that my Jersey Giant is missing a lot of feathers from around her throat and stomach. This is the same pattern she molted with last winter. I though...
  15. Darklingstorm

    Kid being chased Buff Orpington hen

    OK so a a while back I had a beautiful Buff Orpington hen named Buffy. She was so sweet and gentle. I could pick her up, my son and I would pet her and feed her by hand. Unfortunately she some how got into the dog kennel and was killed. So I got another one, her name is Goldie and she is 18...
  16. Darklingstorm

    Pooped an egg shell?!

    I have 3 production Red hens that are around 1.3 years old. The one is question is called Uno and is lighter in coloring then the other two. She often lays "bullet" shaped eggs (elongated shape). But since I'm not hatching any it didn't matter. The eggs always crack easily too, strong enough...
  17. Darklingstorm

    Rhino Liner for your coop, its safe!

    I read on here about the use of Rhino Liner on a coop. I wanted to make sure that it was usable on wood, feeding dishes and not harmful to poultry so I wrote to the company and here is their response: Hi, Yes Rhino Linings materials can be sprayed over wood, metal and other surfaces for...
  18. Darklingstorm

    Snake in the chicken run!

    Had to add this one to the pest forum. I dang near peeped on myself when I went out to check the fence line and saw its tail near my foot, then I saw the rest of it and smiled at my flock. Sometimes I just love my chickens.
  19. Darklingstorm

    Processing is NOT for me

    OK so I had a rooster that turned really mean. I've tried several of the tactics that people have suggested and they work great for me but not for my 3-year-old son. Two days ago my son had his hand on the run fence and the rooster attacked him and drew blood. Luckily my son wasn't hurt much...
  20. Darklingstorm

    Purina Flock Raiser concern

    I've been very happy with Purina feeds and have been feeding them only Purina Flock Raiser for awhile now. However here lately I've noticed a change in the feed. I noticed that there is a lot more dust in it. I feed my chickens in a large pan so it is very easy to notice the large amount of...
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