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  1. wroblow

    Wroblows Member Page

    Coop progression I'm really proud of myself. I did almost the whole thing on my own, which I think is pretty awesome for a 5'2" lady with no carpentry training. I did have help cutting the side panels, using a powered hand saw is still a bit scary! Purchased 5 chicks on July 8th: 1...
  2. wroblow

    To free-range or not to free-range

    thank you for the replies! it seems like some people have had issues while others haven't. I'd still like to know if anyone has had problems with neighborhood cats. I really need to let my girls out for at least a few hours a day, but I can't watch over them (I work and go to school full time...
  3. wroblow

    To free-range or not to free-range

    I live in Portland, Or, but about 8 miles from the downtown area. My neighborhood isn't rural, but it isn't exactly urban either (I have 5 doug fir trees and 1 cedar tree in my front yard if that tells you anything). I really want to let my flock free range in my yard, but I'm worried about...
  4. wroblow

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    These little ladies are the youngest of my flock, but seem to be the only ones laying! I kept hearing those egg-laying noises, but never saw anything when I went out to the coop......they definitely did a good job making secret nests. I thought there was finally one egg in there....but on...
  5. wroblow

    adding younger chicks to a juvenile flock?

    I could separate them in the run, but I'm not sure about in the actual coop. I have a few weeks until the little ones can go outside, maybe I can figure out a way to section off part of the coop. If I leave them for a week, separated, will that do? I would think they'd still be very different...
  6. wroblow

    adding younger chicks to a juvenile flock?

    I have 4 chicks that are 7.5 weeks old and 2 that are only 4 weeks. The older chicks have been outside in the coop for the last week, but I'm not sure when to introduce the smaller ones. I know a lot of the advice on here is to wait until they are at a similar size, but wouldn't that mean...
  7. wroblow

    Please tell me my Ameracauna is not a rooster

    you should also check with your local feed stores. There are several here in Portland that take in roos (no matter where you got them) and promise to re-home them with someone who won't use them for dinner Being such a pretty guy it shouldn't be hard to find him a new home. You will want to...
  8. wroblow

    ANYONE ELSE? Can I get help sexing BR chicks please? PICS

    Yours look like girls to me too With my BR I knew by the comb (see pic). I kept him until he crowed because I thought he might just be a man-ish pullet...I was hoping anyway. But nope.
  9. wroblow

    Plum Pits?

    Thank you!! I don't have any avocado trees, so if they leave the pits alone I should be ok with the plums.
  10. wroblow

    Plum Pits?

    Quote: thank you for the information. I'm wondering if anyone has chickens living around plum trees. Do they actually eat the seeds?
  11. wroblow

    Plum Pits?

    can anyone help us out?
  12. wroblow


    Quote: Mine don't seem to like the yogurt either! I even took their food away to sort of force them to eat something and they barely pecked at it.
  13. wroblow

    americana hen or roo?

    Quote: The two roos in my picture broke my heart too. You could do what I did and get new chicks to replace him That certainly made me feel better. i wish i could but i dont know where to get a americauna hen at he was my only americauna i had, i was hoping for green eggs Where do you...
  14. wroblow

    americana hen or roo?

    Quote: Sorry:(. I know how that feels though. My favorite chick turned out to be a rooster. The two roos in my picture broke my heart too. You could do what I did and get new chicks to replace him That certainly made me feel better.
  15. wroblow

    americana hen or roo?

    Below is a picture of mine at about that ended up being a roo. He was so sweet and beautiful though, I swore he was going to be a girl! Next to him is an Ameracauna pullet and Barred Rock roo. If you can see the pullet's comb isn't even a hint pink......
  16. wroblow

    3 week old Welsummer, hopefully not a roo?

    well, he's definitely a roo, there's a black stripe of feathers starting at his neck and running down to his chest along with dark reddish feathers all around his chest area. bummer. I am going to take him to the feed store for re-homing on Sunday. On the bright side the local feed store had...
  17. wroblow

    Plum Pits?

    not sure if this is the right place to post, but I just heard that plum pits are toxic to chickens. Is this true? My neighbor has about 5 plum trees that all hang over into my yard and right now the birds/squirrels are knocking the fruit down all over (especially in the coop area). I like that...
  18. wroblow

    3 week old Welsummer, hopefully not a roo?

    oh drat! well the chest feathers aren't really developed enough to tell yet (although I'm sure in 2 or 3 days they will be), but the small comb on that pullet in the picture makes my Welsummer look very roo-ish indeed Although I don't have another one to compare it to here......I'll cross my...
  19. wroblow

    3 week old Welsummer, hopefully not a roo?

    I have a sinking feeling that my one Welsummer is a roo....if so I will be really disappointed because it's my only one and I was really excited about having a Welsummer in the flock. Can anyone help me determine the sex? The comb is what's scaring me.
  20. wroblow

    Buckeye chick??

    yay! So glad to know what she is (hopefully she stays a she!)
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