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  1. Roosten95

    Arizona Chickens

    I would say make sure they always have water and when they are big enought to go out side make sure they have lots of shade ! speialy in the summer I had to build a little pond for my chickens :)
  2. Roosten95

    Anyone have chicken nipples ????!

    Really are u selling?
  3. Roosten95

    Anyone have chicken nipples ????!

    I'm looking for a couple of chicken water nipple but haven't been able to find any with out having to pay with credit card ....I live in arizonia so if anyone can help me It would be much appreciated Thanks
  4. Roosten95

    What are some of the foods I should be feeding my chickens?

    I have 4 two nd a half month old chicks and I'm wondering what are some foods I should feed them on daily bascis?? Like witch food will give protien, vitamens, nd other naturitional needs? I'm finding out scratch nd chick feed might not be enough for them so let me knw of some store by able Feed...
  5. Roosten95

    Sick Hen !! Help

    How or were do i check for worms and such cause i have 4 other hens that have slowd down on layng. . nd this hen died thi morning so im hope watever she had the other dont get
  6. Roosten95

    Arizona Chickens

    Hey im from laveen arizona. . i got my 2nd flock of chickens just the beging of this year . . Tryng to breed rhode island reds, nd jersey Giants haha !!. . hope all goes well :)
  7. Roosten95

    Rooster trouble!!

    I just got to 7 month old Jersey Giants and i had origanly 5 hens nd 4 chicks. . .welll the roosters are spreedng the seed nd now they r fight ing wat to do ??
  8. Roosten95

    Sick Hen !! Help

    I have a 8 month old hen she lays every now and again but shes starting to slow down nd her Little cowmb turnd from a nice red to a very light dryish pink. . . she is poooping green watery stuff. . . and gets tierd easily. . .Im not sure if its Feed or the heat or what exactly...
  9. Roosten95

    Need help with BYC

    I dnt knw how to upload or past piks to the messeges i wanna post how do u do that ??
  10. Roosten95

    Need help with BYC

    I dnt knw how to upload or past piks to the messeges i wanna post how do u do that ??
  11. Roosten95

    Need help with BYC

    I dnt knw how to upload or past piks to the messeges i wanna post how do u do that ??
  12. Roosten95

    Everyday chick life ???

    I have 2 week old Rhode island chicks i bought. . .i have them outside(In Arizona) on the ground with a cage over them with a wood box with straw inside. I was wonderng do they have to have light at night or just usal day and night? and if they do dose it have to be a heat lamp or just some kind...
  13. Roosten95

    Kind of stuff to feed chickns !??

    What are some simple but good things to feed my hen rooster nd 3 chicks. . . i want my hen to lay so i can hatch her eggs so any feeds that may help. . . Thanks..
  14. Roosten95

    Need a some help makeng an incubater!??

    I need more exat details on how to make a small but easy incubater?? Any suggestions??
  15. Roosten95

    Rooster trouble

    Thanks for the help i will consider feeding him diffrent tyeps of food to help . . .but another qeustion wat abt if his feathers r like half way in . .some of his feather look unheatthy he also has a rash like on his butt??
  16. Roosten95


    I was wonderng if u could help me with a problem??
  17. Roosten95

    Hens not laying eggs!! Help

    I have a 6 month old white Plymouth rock hen that hasnt startd layng im not sure what i should to get her more comfertable to lay??
  18. Roosten95

    Arizona Members

    Hey names joe. . .i have grown p with chickens sence i can remeber . . last year i finaly got my own . . i have 2 white plymouth rocks 3 Rhode island red chicks
  19. Roosten95

    Rooster trouble

    Hey my names joe i need some help! . . . . I have a rooster that has trouble walkng i have had him sine he was abt 3 months old. Hes abt 6 to7 months now. i water and give him chicken scratch but lately he trys to walk but his legs look wobaly nd he just sitts down were ever he is at. .he may...
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