What are some of the foods I should be feeding my chickens?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 25, 2012
I have 4 two nd a half month old chicks and I'm wondering what are some foods I should feed them on daily bascis?? Like witch food will give protien, vitamens, nd other naturitional needs? I'm finding out scratch nd chick feed might not be enough for them so let me knw of some store by able Feed for them. Thanks
I'm not the most experienced one here, but I do believe a good quality chick starter should be enough. There are electrolytes and vitamin supplements you can add to the water for them but anything else should be considered a snack or treat.
And be sure if you do add other foods like meal worms for example, that you give them chick grit to help them digest them. They don't need it for the chick starter.


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