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  • Users: Shrader
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  1. Shrader

    Comb changing/ losing color

    I've had a few chickens get sick and die recently. It seemed to be Merricks, and I thought the worst was over. Now one of my girls' comb has gone from its normal bright red to a dull orange color. Any idea why this is happening, and what I can do about it? Thanks.
  2. Shrader

    Need help catching feral chicken!

    So I found an ad on craigslist from a woman who had a chicken wander into her yard. She didn't know how to care for it, so she wanted someone with chickens to come get it. I have a small flock, and was eager to add to it, so i went out to get this hen. She was broody, sitting on a clutch --...
  3. Shrader

    Adopting a broody stray today -- how do I mix her in with my flock?

    A woman who lives near me has had a Rhode Island Red living in her back yard for the past few months. She's not sure where she came from. It sounds like she's broody -- she's been sitting on a clutch of eggs for a week or so. I'm going to pick her up this afternoon. I have 4 hens right...
  4. Shrader

    Marek's disease?

    This morning, one of my hens is having trouble with her right leg. She won't put any weight on it, and she's limping horribly when she walks. I picked her up and looked at it, couldn't see anything. What could it be? She's eating, laying, pooping normally. Seems alright otherwise. Any...
  5. Shrader

    What would make my 2-year old chicken die? And what could I have done?

    Noodles, my 2-year old golden buff hen started acting lethargic yesterday. She stayed in the coop most of the day, and only ate a little. (I did see her eat and drink yesterday.) Today, she was still acting strange. When I picked her up, she hardly reacted. Then when I put her back down, she...
  6. Shrader


    This was a repeated post.
  7. Shrader

    Organic feed in Los Angeles area?

    Does anyone in the LA area have a source for organic feed? I've been ordering it online, and it's just so expensive to ship. Thanks.
  8. Shrader

    Los Angeles vet?

    Hi all. One of my chickens is acting a little strange this morning. She's keeping to herself, kind of hunched over and not eating. This just made me realize that I don't know of a local vet that treats chickens. I've called all around and can't find one. Does anyone know of a vet that I can get...
  9. Shrader

    What's the youngest your hens have started laying?

    I have 4 chickens that are just over a year old. They've been laying for quite a while. I also have 2 EE chicks that are just over 12 weeks old. This morning, I got 4 full size eggs, then one tiny brownish/ blue-ish egg. Is it possible that one of my EEs is laying at 12 weeks? I can't think of...
  10. Shrader

    5 Beautiful Black Australorps need a home in LOS ANGELES, CA -- pic

    I have 5 BAs that I need to find a home for immediately. They are just over a year old. Beautiful girls. I would prefer they stay together -- but that's probably for my own peace of mind, they don't care. We just have too many birds and it's getting to be too much. They're great girls -- really...
  11. Shrader

    Oops wrong board

    Sorry. I just moved this post to the correct board.
  12. Shrader

    RIP Dorothy Gale (Pics included)

    My poor little Dorothy Gale. Something took her the other night. I'm not even sure what. I went down to the coop and there was just a tuft of feathers. There's no way she could have gotten out herself. And I looked everywhere for her. Not a sign. I have 12 chickens, and I love each one, but DG...
  13. Shrader

    Rainbow Mealworms is sending dead worms

    Does anyone else order mealworms from Rainbow mealworms? I'm just wondering if anyone else has received an order of dead worms -- and had as much trouble with the "customer service" as I have. I spoke with someone named Monica -- who gave me so much attitude -- claiming they warned me when I...
  14. Shrader

    I need to get rid of a broody chicken in Los Angeles CA

    Four of the 5 Black Australorps I got from Meyer last year went broody in the last 2 months! I have made broody pens for each of them in my small urban back yard. Now, of course, BA #5 has gone broody -- and I just have no room for it! I don't even have room to put her in a pen to break her of...
  15. Shrader

    Broody mama just laid an egg!

    Well, she was broody so I bought her some fertile eggs. One hatched a month ago and the two of them have been in a separate coop/run while the baby grows up. (I tried putting them back in my main coop and all the other girls attacked mama and baby.) Now the mama seems almost "done" with the...
  16. Shrader

    Any way/ reason to patch a cracked egg?

    One of my broodies is sitting on a new clutch of eggs. I just went out and candled -- definitely some veins! (About day 5.) One of the eggs that is showing veins has a small crack in it. Should I try to bandage it in any way? Is there any chance of this chick surviving?
  17. Shrader

    Meet Dorothy

    A couple weeks ago, one of my 4 broody Australorps hatched an Ameraucana egg. Not long after, we had a huge wind storm and her house blew away! I found her huddled underneath it, safe and sound. So, of course, her name is Dorothy Gale! Here she is: (And yes, that blurry blob next to her is her...
  18. Shrader

    Do meat cockerels start to crow before you butcher them?

    I'm considering falling in line behind dangerouschicken and buying a few meat birds. I've never even considered this option, but I am also trying to "live off the land," so it seems like a good bet. Are most meat birds cockerels? Is there a difference in taste with the pullets? I technically...
  19. Shrader

    Chicks went under Broody last night --- UPDATED WITH PICS!!!

    I feel like that old Folgers Coffee commercial: (Hushed Voice) "We have secretly replaced Angie's dead eggs with 2 day-old baby chicks. Let's watch..." So far so good, I guess. She looks a little confused, but she's not attacking them. I really want to see her take them outside and show them...
  20. Shrader

    Questions about Araucanas

    I'm picking up 2 Araucanas chicks tomorrow to shove under my broody Black Australorp (and hopefully convince her that they're her babies -- since all her eggs were bad). I currently have 5 BAs, 4 Golden Buffs (a hybrid breed from Meyer) and one 3-week old Ameraucana. I chose Araucanas because I...
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