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  1. Gulfvet30

    Mercedes TV Spot using dancing chickens

    Hi heres a great TV spot from Mercedes using chickens, (you dont need to speak German to enjoy it). Below that TV spot is Jaguars answer to the above spot, also funny and very well done. Has...
  2. Gulfvet30

    Post your FIRST EGG pics!

    Has anybody had a smaller yolk. I have no idea who laid this egg. The eggs are in a dogs food bowl, so you have a better idea of the size
  3. Gulfvet30

    What do you wish you had known before you got your chickens

    KelsiNS i agree with most of your points, but i have several roosters together. I originally had just the one, but he started loosing all his feathers. A farmer friend told me it was stress and he needed "assistance" looking after the girls. We added 2 young roosters, which he of course showed...
  4. Gulfvet30

    What do you wish you had known before you got your chickens

    Because none of my 10 girls would brood (i waited 10 months) i bought 14 chicks and their mother, 4 days later 3 of my ladies decided it was time to have babies!!! A few weeks later i had another 10 baby mouths to feed lol i use the deep litter method, and did a spring clean. I read that one...
  5. Gulfvet30

    The laughing Rooster

    I wish my Rooster could do this
  6. Gulfvet30

    Today's temperature = # of eggs.

    -9°c 7 eggs from 9 girls
  7. Gulfvet30

    HELP Hen sits on floor and only stares upwards

    Unfortunatly the little girl didn´t make it through the night. All the others, 10 girls and 2 Roosters, are fine, good appetite, running around every where picking scrathing etc.
  8. Gulfvet30

    HELP Hen sits on floor and only stares upwards

    Thanks for the helpful comments, especially the very thorough Cowcreekgeek theres not much i can do at the moment as it is early Sunday evening here in Germany, so all stores are closed. As far as diat goes, they are fed proper poultry food mix which i by from a well known store. The girls are...
  9. Gulfvet30

    HELP Hen sits on floor and only stares upwards

    Hi everyone, i have a young hen (6-8)months old. Since yesterday morning all she does is sit on the floor not moving all day and stares up at the ceiling. She is so lethargic, she lets me pick her up, stroke her etc. even though she is one of the nervous/shy ones. Does anyone have any ideas...
  10. Our first green egg :-)

    Our first green egg :-)

  11. Eggs


  12. Gulfvet30

    Worms i think,

    "Have u tried feeding them to your chickens?" What the worms????
  13. Gulfvet30

    Worms i think,

    Hi i went to clean the poop board and found this I take it that it is some kind of Tapeworm. If so, does anyone have a tip for getting rid of them? Thanks for you help.
  14. Gulfvet30

    White parasites and eggs

    Its possible that they have internal and external problems, but the eggs in the poop look just like the eggs at the base of their featheers
  15. Gulfvet30

    White parasites and eggs

    Hi everyone, i noticed that one of my girls had her "behind" covererd in poop, dirt etc. I was trying to clean her, when i noticed small white parasites running all over her backside. After looking closer i also found very small white eggs aattached to base of her feathers. Since yesterday...
  16. Gulfvet30


    I had a similar problem, we searched EVERYWHERE but to no avail, in the end i let the dogs out, and they found her hiding in the neighbours garden in a massive patch of nettles. Hope you find her
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