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  1. EmmyGirl

    Bald Eagle Predation

    We've had a bald eagle's nest across the street from us for the past 2 years and lots of owls, turkey vultures and hawks to round out the overhead dangers. We couldn't have chickens without an overhead fence. They sell 6' high welded wire fencing at our local tractor supply--we used this for...
  2. EmmyGirl

    Have another sick 3 year old hen - lethargic, comb darkening

    I'm sorry about your hen... That's great that you're taking her to the vet--I couldn't even venture a guess what could be going on with her. Good luck and hope she's ok!!
  3. EmmyGirl

    Assuming CHF-I have never seen this.

    I'm so sorry. I agree with CMV--sounds more likely that the fluid was from ascites or infection from EYP.
  4. EmmyGirl

    What is DE?

    I've seen Food-Grade DE in Health Food stores too if you can't find it at your local feed store. A scoop or two mixed in pine shavings litter in the coop gives them a nice indoor dust bath during the muddy months. You can also dust your birds with it to keep mites and lice at bay (use Sevin if...
  5. EmmyGirl

    Best topical solution to stop pecking?

    I've had good luck with the Blue Kote on bums--I don't know if it's the taste they don't like or the fact that the bright royal blue color hides the red skin which is like a beacon saying "peck here". For the head, I'd try Preparation H. I read in one of the posts a while back that they don't...
  6. EmmyGirl

    now noticing teeny, tiny bugs on the crooked beek EE

    Ugh, I'm itchy just thinking about it. Sounds like you have mites. It's amazing that something so tiny can be so itchy. Don't mess around with them--they can do major damage to your chickens in a short amount of time if you let them get away from you. They're little blood suckers and can...
  7. EmmyGirl

    Hen with Swollen Abdomen

    Yay--That's awesome! I love a happy ending
  8. EmmyGirl

    lost our first girl yesterday...

    I'm sorry about your hen It's tough to guess for sure what happened to poor little Lucy if she wasn't showing any other symptoms, but the blood around the vent and the hard tummy makes me agree that she might have been egg bound--the blood is from trying to push out the egg. Do you know if she...
  9. EmmyGirl

    Poopy bum

    There are no dumb questions! It's a constant learning process and this is a great forum to ask and get answers. Maybe some of the more experienced BYC'ers will chime in, but here's my humble opinion.... I've seen this question several times in the forums and have seen a bunch of different...
  10. EmmyGirl

    One of my Chickens Died

    I'm sorry, Jim, that's a shame about your hen Without knowing more, I agree with CMV--probably some sort of reproduction malfunction---maybe eggbound and a partial prolapse? It's amazing how much blood that can cause. So sorry for your poor hen.
  11. EmmyGirl

    lethargic hen please help

    Hope Lizzie's OK! Separating her is a great idea if you can swing it so you can monitor what's she's eating, laying and pooing and won't have to worry about the other girls picking on her if she's not feeling well. Good luck!
  12. EmmyGirl

    Infection internally? Swollen rear below the vent

    I'd venture a guess that if you've confirmed there's no egg that's gotten stuck and the swelling is soft like a water balloon, she may have the beginnings of an infection. Keep a close eye on her. I just lost my favorite girl on Thursday to egg yolk peritonitis with probable liver failure...
  13. EmmyGirl

    Looking for Winter Advice- What do you wish you had known

    We use a large heated dog bowl which works great but we only have a few chickens. I had purchased a heated chicken waterer (the kind with the red plastic bottom with that screws onto the white plastic top). Maybe I'm just exceptionally uncoordinated but inevitably I'd fill it up inside, get...
  14. EmmyGirl

    Second chicken is dying.....Unable to diag and need your opinion

    Hang in there, Blackie!!! We're pulling for you, DT--good luck!!
  15. EmmyGirl

    Help! Prolapsed vent wont go back in AGAIN!

    To the best of my memory, I think it was around week 3? Seemed like it was taking forever, then one day it looked less prominent and got better every day from then on.
  16. EmmyGirl

    How many pets do you have?

    2 hens (Beatrice and Roberta) 2 Great Danes (Chessie and Cayo) 2 Goats (Maddie and Misty) 4 Cats (Hank, Earl, Archie and Gus) 60,000 Italian Honeybees (Maria, Annamaria, just kidding, no names)
  17. EmmyGirl

    Thats a lot of rats.....

    Rats can live happily somewhere else but not around my chickens and goats. I've had luck with the black plastic TomCat snap traps you can buy at Tractor Supply, setting them around the pen after the girls are locked in for the night. You just step on the back of the trap to set it, so much...
  18. EmmyGirl

    Help! Prolapsed vent wont go back in AGAIN!

    Poor little Alison! Don't give up yet, it can take a while for it to heal and stay in. When our Mathilda prolapsed, her vent was a mess, all cut up and hanging out and would get covered in poo. Several times a day I'd flush it clean with a squeeze bottle, spray some antibiotic spray on it (I...
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