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  1. The Suri Secret

    what are peacocks and peahens like?

    We have green peafowl in New England. Coop not heated and we have had no problems. Kept with other fowl (chickens and guineas). Male doesn't wander and doesn't scream at all. He's only 2.5, though, so maybe he will? Not cuddly, but will approach us for food. Free range (not too far)...
  2. The Suri Secret

    guinea fowl wanted in new england, preferably CT or MA

    We are in CT. Our adult guinea fowl are pearl, lavender, purple, white, buff dundotte, and coral blue. Juveniles are pied. Nobody's laying now, but they tend to start in May. Are you interested in eggs, keets, juveniles, or adults?
  3. The Suri Secret

    Breeds that are good as pets

    We spend a lot of time handling our chicks. (Kids are in 4H.) Some breeds don't ever seem to be real eager to be your "pet," no matter how much they've been handled. My son's favorite Golden Penciled Hamburg was held for about an hour a day for weeks. As soon as she was allowed to free-range...
  4. The Suri Secret

    Different Wyandottes

    We've never had a Golden Laced, but we do have other varieties. They're sweethearts (often held by my 6 and 3 year olds). Fly well. Range well. Middle-of-the-pack when it comes to pecking order. Lay very well -- straight through the winter. Have fun, Kate
  5. The Suri Secret

    Are these Ameraucanas? Ameraucana Mutts? Or EEs?

    According to the descriptions (and color photos) provided at the link Jean listed, I am... confused! We ordered some americanas from McMurray hatchery, which I understand should not be Ameraucanas, but Easter Eggers. A friend gave us some "Ameraucanas" that she got in a rainbow egg layer...
  6. The Suri Secret

    Bantam Ameraucana, Standard Blue Turkens/PICS/ 2 DZ. Turken for 1/26

    James, New here. We'd LOVE some blue turkens, but no incubator here and no one is broody right now. Any chance you'll be selling eggs in the spring? Thanks, Kate
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