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  1. chickylou

    Home Found! Northwest Indiana Egg Laying Flock Starter Pair

    Home longer available.... We are selling an egg laying flock starter pair. Black Austrolope Rooster and ONE hen of your choice. Choose one Buff Orpington hen, or one Black Austrolope hen or one Barred Rock hen to take home with our handsome and EXTREMELY gentle rooster! The...
  2. chickylou

    PICTURES WANTED!! show me your coop

    Here is ours: YE LOYAL YOLKFELLOW They love their coop and we can see it from our living room. :o) We think its cute.
  3. chickylou

    YE LOYAL YOLK-FELLOWS Chicken Coop (Newly Finished w/pics)

    Thank you for your kind comments. Just to answer the question, the coop is 35 sq. ft. total. Right now, my 5 older kids are sitting out on the deck around the rim eating watermelon and pizza and watching our chickies taking sand baths. Great entertainment when you don't own a TV...
  4. chickylou

    YE LOYAL YOLK-FELLOWS Chicken Coop (Newly Finished w/pics)

    Hi BYC Friends, We finally finished our coop. Just to tell the story, we had a pool on the back of our deck. It exploded in a thunderstorm and we had a gaping hole hanging off the back end of our living room. We had no idea what to do with it. We wanted something we could look at that was...
  5. chickylou

    Uh..OH! Ordered all pullets, but do we have roosters?

    Here are pictures and based on what we just learned. The only thing I don't get are the stubby tail feathers. I'd think the roos would have the more prominent ones. AUSTROLOPE HEN AUSTROLOPE ROO (We are pretty sure) Well, I hope this helps others. I'll take the advice and see if others...
  6. chickylou

    Uh..OH! Ordered all pullets, but do we have roosters?

    Oh Wow! I think I get it. I found this youtube I learned a lot. I'm afraid we have two roos. what do we do? We can't keep loud animals in our subdivision. Any advice?
  7. chickylou

    Uh..OH! Ordered all pullets, but do we have roosters?

    We have chickens that are 6 weeks old or so. Two of the black austrolopes have very prominent crests (the crown on the head) and waddles, where as the other pullets have small crests and waddles. They also seem to be larger and we just thought maybe they were slightly older or something when...
  8. chickylou

    Radios and lights deterring predators?

    Like this... or ...maybe like this... My kids will like your response.
  9. chickylou

    Radios and lights deterring predators?

    Hi, Just wondering if putting solar lights and a radio out by the chickens might work to deter predators. Any thoughts? Thanks in Advance, Chickylou
  10. chickylou

    calling all goat owners!!

    Skip the fate! Make yogurt! I have a great custard goat-gurt recipe I've perfected. YUMMMY! That is worth every penny for my two milkers! I've also made cheese and hot chocolate goat's milk. If your parents are in agreement, then make them some goat specialties! They sound like reasonable...
  11. chickylou

    I want "Eggs over Easy"!

    His name is Vad CJ's Eggs Over Easy. I think that's a sign! That's funny! He is REALLY cute!
  12. chickylou

    Goat house plans?

    We live in a bi-level. Out back we had an above ground pool attached to the deck and house. It exploded 1 year and a half ago so we have sealed off the whole surround of the deck and since there is nice sand where the pool used to sit, the goats now have a lovely, large pen and we can see them...
  13. chickylou

    Is my goat "BUCKY"?

    Please help me learn this "signs" of estrus thing. Here are some of her, I think, "symptoms". 1) She doesn't finish all of her food. She leaves half of it, even in the morning when she should be really hungry. 2) Her doe mate milker is bucking at her, ramming her, biting at her. 3) Her...
  14. chickylou

    Nigerian Dwarf Goat Feed Question

    Well, I'm really new at goats, and ours aren't prego right now, but I have two Nigis. One is a milker and one that is not. This is what is working for us. Milker (Petunia) Morning milking: 1 full cup of Alfalfa pellets, 1 full cup of grain in her bowl and I throw in a bit of baking soda just...
  15. chickylou

    At what age do you turn off heat lamp?

    Our chicks are now two weeks old. We have them in the brooder and the brooder is in our living room which is about 72-75 degrees all day long and all night long. Do you think I still need the heat lamp on? I was afraid I might fry them. They are getting a lot more feathers. Any thoughts?
  16. chickylou

    If you breed your do you know its prego?

    OK, this may sound dumb, but if you are paying a breeder for their buck, you leave the does there, when would you have actual confirmation of a pregnancy? Are there any specific signs the does give when pregnant?
  17. chickylou

    Potty trained goats? Ha!

    Sounds soooo silly, but could it be true? My two Nigerian dwarf does have been living in our shed temporarily until we finish their new "apartment" under the house and deck. I just moved them over yesterday. Well, as the story goes, the temporary shelter had a 4x4 section with a simply stud...
  18. chickylou

    Udderly EZ Milker ______ Opinions Wanted

    Hi, I got the EZ Udder. It does work, but it is a slow process for Nigerians. I finally learned how to milk them just right and it now takes me 5-7 minutes to do my doe. I actually bring the little jugs out with me and when I milk, I pour it into the jugs to keep the milk clean and so my...
  19. chickylou

    happy times in the yard

    They are all so cute! Do the chickens ever take a dip with the duck??
  20. chickylou

    Alfalfa Cubes for hay?

    OK thanks soooo much for the info. I think I'd go with pellets (if I can find're right...they might not sell them around here either). I have two Nigerian does. One is a milker. She gets 2 cups of sweet feed in the morning and evening and then all the hay she wants (plus a few...
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