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  1. PastorLarry

    How to Stop Chickens from pecking each others feathers out

    Four hens are about a year old. The others about 9 months old. I feed a 15% protein laying ration that has mixed grains and oyster shell in it. We go through about 100# per month. No rodents around that I am aware of.
  2. PastorLarry

    How to Stop Chickens from pecking each others feathers out

    I have eleven mixed breed hens. My coop is 10' by 10' and the run is 16' by 20' plus they have access under the coop. I have put out cabbage for them to peck and also a couple of small boxes to put clover and other greens in. My question is this. Several hens have the feathers pecked off just in...
  3. PastorLarry

    Is this chicken a Rooster or a Hen?

    I order eight started pullets from McMurray hatchery and received them the end of October. One of my black australops looks and acts more like a rooster than a hen. Her comb and wattle look like a rooster and her tail feathers are pointed rather than rounded. It also is starting to crow and...
  4. PastorLarry

    New Chickens added to flock

    I have four chickens that are about 9 months old. I will soon be putting eight started pullets in with them that are 18-24 weeks old. Will they get along ok together?
  5. PastorLarry


    I have a chicken that just laid an egg without a shell. It wasn't laid in nest but on top of nesting box. What causing a chicken to lay an egg without a shell?
  6. PastorLarry

    Setting Hen

    I'm thinking about getting a rooster for my flock of hens. When a hen starts setting do I need to turn the eggs each day or not? I'm new at this and want to try and do it right. How many eggs is ok for hen to set on? What rooster do I need to get as my flock of chickens are different breeds? Thanks
  7. PastorLarry


    I have been told that even with a small flock (I am raising for the eggs) that you should have one rooster for ever dozen or so hens, just to keep the hens in line. I have four pullets that just started laying and will soon have eight more. Do I need to have roosters or not? I do like the sound...
  8. PastorLarry

    When do chickens lay?

    I have Two Rhode Island Reds and two Barred Rocks. One Rhode Island started laying about 2 1/2 weeks ago and one Barred Rock about a week ago. Why are the other two not laying?
  9. PastorLarry

    When do chickens lay?

    first egg today at 2:30
  10. PastorLarry

    When do chickens lay?

    Two Rhode Island Reds and Two Barred Rocks
  11. PastorLarry

    When do chickens lay?

    Should I leave them in coop until 10:00 a.m. ? They are about 23 weeks old and haven't started laying yet.
  12. PastorLarry

    When do chickens lay?

    What time of day to chickens usually lay? I have heard early morning and others have said it depends on the chicken. Any ideas as I am new to raising chickens and am not sure.
  13. PastorLarry

    When will my pullets start to lay?

    They are docile and squat when petted. They follow me and my wife all around the chicken run. Haven't noticed them in egg boxes yet.
  14. PastorLarry

    When will my pullets start to lay?

    I am going to try and attach picture of my chickens. Not the best picture though as they don't sit still and pose for you.
  15. PastorLarry

    When will my pullets start to lay?

    I have four pullets, two Rhode Island Reds and two Barred Rocks, approximately 23 weeks old. When should they start laying?
  16. Default


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