When will my pullets start to lay?

I have four pullets, two Rhode Island Reds and two Barred Rocks, approximately 23 weeks old. When should they start laying?
They should start laying soon. Most breeds of chickens start laying by 5-6 months (20-24 weeks) of age. Pullets getting ready to lay will often start crouching when you try to pet them, will develop bigger, redder combs and wattles, and will sometimes spend time exploring nest boxes. However, are you sure your birds are pullets, not cockerels? Photos would help sex your birds, and see how close they appear to be to laying.
It depends on the breed, and the specific bird. Some mature faster, others slower. Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks are usually early maturing breds, so I'd expect eggs soon. In general, dual-purpose breeds (like your birds) start laying at 5-6 months of age. I have a Rhode Island Red, and she started laying at the age of five months.

When your birds are coming closer to laying, there will be some behavioral changes. They will usually become more docile and will start "squatting". "Squatting" is when they crouch down on the ground with their wings spread, and occurs because they are ready to be mated. Their combs and wattles will also get redder and larger, and you will often find them going into and out of the nest boxes.
I am going to try and attach picture of my chickens. Not the best picture though as they don't sit still and pose for you.

All of them appear to be pullets. However, they have not yet developed the bright red combs and wattles that tell us that they will be laying eggs soon. Still, I'd expect some eggs in a few weeks.

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