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  1. ostmark

    Need some advice on Free ranging my chickens and preditors

    I would start by letting them out when you have time to keep an eye on them, and it is always good to have a way of calling them to you should you need to. You can easily condition them to come by making the same particular sound when you feed them or give them special treats, they will quickly...
  2. ostmark

    Golden Comets

    Now you will need to make them a nest, otherwise they will find one for themselves, and it is not always in a spot you may want it. With me, since my hens have 7 acres to wander, it could be anywhere. I presently have them conditioned to lay where I can find the clutch. Three lay in a box by the...
  3. ostmark

    Golden Comets

    The alarms are battery operated and are rated to 400 feet but that's pushing it. I think the sensor is meant to be placed in the driveway or entrance, and when it senses someone or something, it sends a wireless signal to the receiver, also battery operated, and it sounds an alarm. I have one...
  4. ostmark

    My girls won't roost at night!

    Your roost is really not a roost, but a 2x4. They are unable to grip it as they would were they wild and roosting in trees. A proper roost should be round with no corners, and small enough for them to grip. The size of a broomstick is ideal! And your babies are still a bit young, you will find...
  5. ostmark

    Worlds greatest Rooster!!!

    Actually you will find that many roosters are like Brutus! Roosters will typically run to confront the enemy, be it a hawk, or otherwise, to defend the hens. When they find a juicy morsel, even if they are hungry, they will pick it up, drop it, make a distinctive cackle, until one of the hens...
  6. ostmark

    Golden Comets

    I'm in a fairly developed section of Gainesville Florida, and over the years I've had trouble with raccoons, possums, bobcat, coyotes, great horned owls, and hawks. I now have battery operated alarm sensors, they sell for about $10 on sale at Harbor Freight, that go off when an animal comes...
  7. ostmark

    Golden Comets

    Todd, You won't be sorry, Red Sex Links are fantastic! I have six month old chicks that are the most promiscuous I've ever had. That said, I have an old Buff Orpington hen who is my favorite! She has gone broody three times, raised a family once, and is the most intelligent of my chickens, a...
  8. ostmark

    Golden Comets

    A few helpful comments: Golden Comets and red sex links are supposed to be the same bird. In a mixed batch of "straight run" chicks (both sexes), the hens can be distinguished from the cocks by their coloration, they are a darker yellow-red and have what appear to be two dark "stripes" running...
  9. ostmark

    Golden Comets

    Golden Comets are AWESOME! Bought six last year from tractor supply, they are a smaller, tightly feathered bird that lay a large dark brown egg almost every day. Come winter (shorter day length) rather than stop laying and molt, they continue laying without supplemental lighting. Friendly birds...
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