Golden Comets

I have 3 Golden Comets and they are 20 weeks old. Still no eggs. I brought them home last week so maybe they are a bit stressed? They have a comfortable coop and large run but no squatting and no 'egg song'.

What should I expect?
I have 3 Golden Comets and they are 20 weeks old. Still no eggs. I brought them home last week so maybe they are a bit stressed? They have a comfortable coop and large run but no squatting and no 'egg song'.

What should I expect?

Mine started at around 20 weeks so hang in there. They are dynamite and will give you 6-7 eggs a wk. So cute when they start because the eggs are so tiny. In a few weeks they will get larger. Enjoy!
The alarms are battery operated and are rated to 400 feet but that's pushing it. I think the sensor is meant to be placed in the driveway or entrance, and when it senses someone or something, it sends a wireless signal to the receiver, also battery operated, and it sounds an alarm. I have one behind the coop, and it can sense something as small as a possum, and when it does, my alarm inside goes off. They go on sale at Harbor Freight periodically, for between 10 and 20 bucks. Hope that helps!

Yes, that dark egg is the same color of egg that my five GC lay!

A major reason why hens don't lay is if they are not getting enough protein and nutrients. It's always a good investment to pay a little extra and get the best quality feed you can. They will eat your scrap vegetables and fruit, and a cabbage placed where they can peck at it helps!
Those motion alarms are great. I have two of them so I will be alerted of any outdoor movement. One faces the coop and the other is facing the side yard. I don't know how much it misses but when it goes off there is something moving there.

I am also not having any luck with treats. Yesterday I found a worm. The girls looked at it, took one peck and let it be. The same goes for tomato, lettuce, spinach and brussel sprouts. I have been placing then outside their feeder on the ground. I hear so many wonderful stories what these birds will eat but mine only eat their feed.
Now you will need to make them a nest, otherwise they will find one for themselves, and it is not always in a spot you may want it. With me, since my hens have 7 acres to wander, it could be anywhere. I presently have them conditioned to lay where I can find the clutch. Three lay in a box by the back door, five lay in a new double nest box with a roof that I built for them near my plant benches, and two are laying in a half filled three gallon plant pot on a bench. But it's been a pain, four were laying out by the front gate, and I found a clutch of some dozen eggs rotting under a tarp recently, which I buried. I have two large yellow rat snakes, sometimes known as chicken snakes, which make a meal of the eggs by the back door occasionally. But they control vermin so I leave them be. Occasionally I'll find them in the act of just starting to swallow the egg, in which case I'm usually successful in getting them to spit it out by mild harassment. Usually something interesting related to my chickens! I feed my 10 hens 5 slices of cheap out of date bread from the outlet torn into small pieces when I get home every afternoon, which they love.
Those motion alarms are great. I have two of them so I will be alerted of any outdoor movement. One faces the coop and the other is facing the side yard. I don't know how much it misses but when it goes off there is something moving there.

I am also not having any luck with treats. Yesterday I found a worm. The girls looked at it, took one peck and let it be. The same goes for tomato, lettuce, spinach and brussel sprouts. I have been placing then outside their feeder on the ground. I hear so many wonderful stories what these birds will eat but mine only eat their feed.
Buy a little bag of combined grains and dried mealworms. Once they taste them, they'll never go back. Amazon even has bags of different kinds of mixed bugs. Mine don't free range unfortunately.
Now you will need to make them a nest, otherwise they will find one for themselves, and it is not always in a spot you may want it. With me, since my hens have 7 acres to wander, it could be anywhere. I presently have them conditioned to lay where I can find the clutch. Three lay in a box by the back door, five lay in a new double nest box with a roof that I built for them near my plant benches, and two are laying in a half filled three gallon plant pot on a bench. But it's been a pain, four were laying out by the front gate, and I found a clutch of some dozen eggs rotting under a tarp recently, which I buried. I have two large yellow rat snakes, sometimes known as chicken snakes, which make a meal of the eggs by the back door occasionally. But they control vermin so I leave them be. Occasionally I'll find them in the act of just starting to swallow the egg, in which case I'm usually successful in getting them to spit it out by mild harassment. Usually something interesting related to my chickens! I feed my 10 hens 5 slices of cheap out of date bread from the outlet torn into small pieces when I get home every afternoon, which they love.
That sounds great. What else do you feed them besides the bread? They need a little extra nutrients.
Ok, here are a few silly questions.

What do I do with the eggs? Should I collect them or should I leave them in the nest to encourage other hens to lay an egg. If I leave them in the nest, how long can they stay there?

If I collect the eggs do I have to refrigerate them immediately, should I leave them at room temperature. How long can I keep the eggs before I have to eat them.

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