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  1. nekowashu

    A Pekin Bantam Fancier =)

    Perfect! Thank you! I'm loving this site already.
  2. nekowashu

    Ended - Spring 2009 Coop Contest for a $20 Gift Cert. WINNERS!!

    This is so inspiring! I love the doll house design and I think it would be perfect for showy birds like the chinese red golden pheasants I want someday. Not to mention it makes for fantastic photos! Great job everyone!
  3. nekowashu

    What's the name of your chicken coop? "Chicken" Hilton here

    I never thought to name a coop. This is so funny! My *future* coop will be roomy and still cozy, have a garden outside and lots of entertaining things in the run to play with, like a roosting corner made of sturdy branches and bales of hay to peck at and little pie tins. I don't think we'll be...
  4. nekowashu

    pekin bantam

    Everything I've read about pekin bantams are positive, but nothing tops experience right? I have similar questions so I will watch this thread. Does anyone have any advice for keeping them that's not positive? Like things to watch out for, or if they're prone to any bad behaviours or illnesses?
  5. nekowashu

    A Pekin Bantam Fancier =)

    Is there a way to view subscribed threads or is it sent to my email?
  6. nekowashu

    2009 Kankakee IL Bird Swap dates

    I have to find a way to get there this year. I'd love to see what's available and meet others in the area. Is anyone familiar with a swap or similar further North than Kankakee, but not in Wi?
  7. nekowashu

    A Pekin Bantam Fancier =)

    Thank you!
  8. nekowashu

    A Pekin Bantam Fancier =)

    Neko is japanese for cat, and Washu is native american and closest I can find it means either "grey feather" or "white man." But tis my name none the less. Being a fan of japanese animation (anime) I most often use "nekowashu" on forums. I like catgirls. XD nekowashu = cat Washu .... un nya~
  9. nekowashu

    A Pekin Bantam Fancier =)

    Hello! I'm Washu, from Elgin, IL. (28) and new to not only this forum but chickens in general. I've spent some time (past year) looking at chicken sites and reading and learning about them. I fell in love with the little round Pekin Bantams! So adorable and sweet! I would love to have a few of...
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