Ended - Spring 2009 Coop Contest for a $20 Gift Cert. WINNERS!!

I guess if it's not too late I would like to enter my coop, even tho it's 1) not really complete, and 2) I don't have my chicks yet. I am really proud of this tho, since it's SO old and I was able to revive/restore it to some sense of usability.

(hover your mouse over the pics for a description)

I have been working on this for several months. It has a lot of history and character, I hope you like it...


I still have roosts to build and a run, but for the most part, I am ready for the chicks when they get here June 23 (or so). I got a LOT of ideas off of these posts, from a lot of nice people. Thanks to all. It's not fancy, but it is surely one of a kind
Great job everyone! We'll go ahead and end this contest on 3/31, so if you have a page to finish up and submit, please do so by then (or wait for the next contest).

Remember, to have your coop count as a submission it needs to be a BYC Page !

We have all the coop submissions loaded up to this post here . You can see them here .

We're loading up the ones after post #59, but please make sure that your submission before post #59 is on this page !

Great job everyone so far!!
Dr.Doorlock :

Debby10- Can I build you a coop so I can LIVE in the one you built? That is SOOOO nice.

If you like to mow lawn, you can live in the coop withOUT building me another!!

Thanks for the complement.

Wow all of the coops here look nicer than my house:/ they must have cost a bundle. I thought keeping chickens was a poor persons hobby. Fun, entertainment and cheap food. I was going to take some pictures of mine but I would not stand a chance. On the bright side I have spent very little cash on mine. So far just 1 4 ft roll of chicken wire. All the lumber, nails and hardware were scrounged. I even had to pull some old nails out of some found boards to have enough nails. Windows, sub-flooring, insulation, paint, you've got to be kidding me whats the point for the amount of cash the coop cost you could have a lifetime supply of eggs and Mcnuggets
This is so inspiring! I love the doll house design and I think it would be perfect for showy birds like the chinese red golden pheasants I want someday.
Not to mention it makes for fantastic photos!
Great job everyone!
Hey Rooster-J - don't shake your head too hard!
Some of us are just plain crazy - in my case, whatever pet I take on, gets living conditions on the same level that I enjoy, since I look on them as pets and spoil them to the best of my ability. But I do realize they're chickens! Meanwhile, I think there is a lot to be admired in the "less is more" style - re-using nails is cool too! In fact, I think the next contest should be the best coop made with the smallest budget!
Your frugality is part of the backyard in backyard chickens. I would bet you built treehouses with the same materials when you were a kid. I did.

One of the ways I saved on my coop was to buy culled lumber. I actually designed the stuff I built around the assortment that happens by chance when you buy warped and blemished wood by the lot. Another piece of luck for me was when they did a reset where I work. I got 10ea 4 x 8 sheets of 3/8 MDF for FREE. The only thing I spent money on was hardware cloth, poultry netting and hardware. I figure to have about $150 into it now and I may paint it so it will last a really long time. Oh! I forgot about the $30 I spent on the feeder and waterer, but that was to make it easier on me, not my girls. You can bet my pet poultry will live a luxurious life, even though they would be happy with much less.


I'm sure the judges look at all facets of construction.

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